Recent Posts by Nancy Bifulco

Giving Tree Thank You!

Thank you to the entire congregation for your contributions to the Giving Tree this year. We took two carloads of gifts to ChildServ and another two carloads to the People's Resource Center. Your gifts help make Christmas brighter for so many children. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

We will continue to collect clothing items for PADs into the new year. Please bring any donations to the office. Thank you!

The Giving Tree

The Giving TreeThe Giving Tree, which is now in the Parlor, gives you the opportunity to purchase  gifts for needy children, youth, and adults in our township and across the Northern Illinois Conference.  This year, we are supporting ChildServ, PADS, and the Peoples Resource Center. Just choose a tag marked with the name or initials of these agencies.

The gifts for all the agencies other than PADS should be returned with the tags firmly attached NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st. Gifts for PADS will continue to be collected into December. Contact Nancy Bifulco if you have any questions.

The Children and Family Ministries Work Area and the Church and Society Work Area sponsor the Giving Tree project. We hope that you will be able to help.

Thank you!

The Giving Tree

The Giving TreeThe Giving Tree will be up in the Parlor beginning Sunday, November 11th. You have the opportunity to choose tags from several agencies in order to purchase gifts for both children and adults. The tags are marked with the name or initials of the agency.

All gifts going to PADS should be UNWRAPPED, but with the tag firmly attached.

Gifts to the other agencies work a little differently. Please select tags and put your name on the sign-out sheet.

The gifts for all the agencies other than PADS should be returned with the tags firmly attached NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. Gifts for PADS will continue to be collected into December.

If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Bifulco by email or phone (630-241-3530).

The Children and Family Ministries Work Area and the Church and Society Work Area sponsor the Giving Tree project. Over 300 gifts go to needy children, youth, and adults in our township and across the Northern Illinois Conference. We hope that you will be able to help.

Thank you!

Rally Day Food Drive

We will be having a food drive for the People’s Resource Center on Rally Day, Sunday, September 9th.

To make it easier for you to remember to bring donations, we have reusable shopping bags for you to bring home, fill with food, and return to church. The children at church camp decorated the bags and the PRC clients will be able to keep them to use when they shop. The bags will be available in the parlor on Sunday, August 26th and Sunday, September 2nd and in the office during the week. There will be a list of needed items inside the bag. If you can’t get to church to get a bag, don’t worry. We will accept donations in paper and plastic bags too! The list of needed items can be found below.

We hope to get a big collection to help stock the pantry for the fall.

If you have any questions or would be available to help deliver the items to the PRC that Sunday, please contact Nancy Bifulco at or at 630-241-3530.

Thank you in advance for your donations!

Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 8:15am

All Church Picnic

Picnic BasketThere will be an All Church Potluck Picnic on Sunday, June 12 immediately following the 10:00 Hymn Sing service. We will set up tents on the vacant lot next to the parking lot,and we will be cooking hot dogs and brats. Sign up in the Parlor beginning Sunday, May 22. We ask that each family bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. We will try to be as earth-friendly as possible, so please bring your own plates and silverware. Lemonade and water will be available to drink. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Bifulco.

Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 11:00am

Lent: Day 35

“And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” – Matthew 6:27

When I was in high school, our choir sang the musical “Celebrate Life” by Buryl Red. The song that affected me most was the one Mary sang after Jesus was crucified. She sang “He died alone, forsaken. Let him rest, let him rest for a while.” She pleads with the guards to “Carry Him gently.” Now that I am a mother, I can’t imagine the pain Mary experienced, knowing that her son was destined for greatness, but also for great tragedy. How could she handle it?

Nancy Bifulco
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mother-Daughter Tea

Mother-Daughter Tea

Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 2:00pm

Save the date! Mother-Daughter Tea

Tea ServiceOur annual Mother-Daughter Tea will be held on Saturday, March 19 from 2:00 to 4:00PM in the gym. Cost is $15 for adults and $8 for children 12 and under. Mark your calendars now!

Wanted: Aprons

The theme of the Mother-Daughter tea this year is APRONS. Do you have an apron that has a story or a history about it? Would you be willing to share it with us? We are looking for aprons in a variety of styles and from different time periods. Also, we are looking for dress forms to use to display them. If you have an apron or dress form you would be willing to loan to us, please contact Nancy Bifulco.

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