Small Groups

Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning for a lively discussion with the aim of connecting biblical texts to their daily lives. They are now holding a 8-week session on the Book of Acts, using the study guide by Craig Keener.

Books are available for purchase for $9 in the office or during the class.

Drop-ins are welcome. All women are invited to attend!

Childcare is available upon request.

Room 213
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 9:00am

Lenten Bible Study

You are invited to share in a Sunday evening Lenten study from 5:00-6:00 p.m. beginning February 21 and lasting through March 20. The study will use the resource The God We Can Know by United Methodist pastor Rob Fuquay to examine on the "I Am" sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Each session will include brief scripture, a DVD glimpse into the Holy Land settings for Jesus' teaching, discussion, and a suggested spiritual practice. Lilian Ficht and Greta McDonald will lead the study. Books will be available for purchase for $7. 

Room 213
Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 5:00pm

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

What are you giving up for Lent? Have you ever considered giving up something that's BAD for you? The Women's Bible Study will tackle a new Lenten study that encourages us to give up something negative (think envy or bitterness or a bad habit) and transfer that energy to something life-giving.

Join us as we start our discussion on Wednesday, January 27, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 213. We will introduce the study and weekly schedule for the next session. Suggested donation for study book is $10. Babysitting provided.


Room 213
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 9:00am

Foundations Class

FoundationsBeginning January 5, 2014 at 9:30 a.m., the Foundations Adult Sunday School Class will be laying groundwork for discussions on: Evil, Religion and Science, Other Religions, Evangelism and Tolerance, The God of the Old Testament, Jesus and Christianity, Resurrection, The Gnostic Gospels, and The Sins of the Church, and Forgiveness.

Please join us in Room 213 for some wonderful discussions and learning adventures.

Room 213
Sunday, January 5, 2014 - 9:30am

The Wesleyan Way - A Faith that Matters

The Wesleyan WayBeginning January 12, 2014, the church is offering an eight week program about the beliefs and practices of Wesleyan Christianity. This is a great opportunity to find out about the foundations of our faith.

Meetings will be held on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in Room 213. Please sign up using the form below or by contacting the church office.

Room 213
Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 11:00am

Invitation to the Old Testament

Invitation to the Old TestamentBegin the New Year in the beginning!

Join in this new bible study class led by Pastor Jim. This class reads the Old Testament from front to back, studying the Hebrew bible to not simply discover how these texts have spoken to God's people for centuries, but to learn what these texts have to say to God's people today.

The classes start on January 8, and you can attend at either 10am or 6:30pm in the Adult Education room (Room 213).

Room 213
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 - 10:00am

Advent Group Study - The Purpose of Christmas

The Purpose of ChristmasStarting Sunday, December 8 and running for three weeks, we will explore The Purpose of Christmas. Together we will explore Celebration, Salvation and Reconciliation as they apply to the Christmas experience. It is about why we celebrate Christmas and how it can change our lives forever. Rick Warren, author of this program, is the founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church in California. He is perhaps best known for his book The Purpose Driven Life.

The program is geared for young adult through older adult so if that is you, please plan on joining us on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Room 213. No sign-up is needed, although it would be helpful for planning purposes. Terry McDorman will facilitate the program. Study Guide books are available at Cokesbury and Amazon.

Sunday, December 8, 2013 - 9:30am

Church Book Club - All Are Welcome!

Pile of booksThe book club meets every 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in Room 213. We take turns choosing the book and leading the discussion.

On October 1st, we'll be talking about the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Shirley Beechamp will lead us.

Room 213
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - 1:00pm

Invitation to Psalms

Invitation to GenesisPastor Jim McDonald is leading mid-week conversations for faith-seekers and all wanting to explore their faith journey with honesty, mutual respect and openness to one another. All are welcome to attend, at any time during each course.

This fall Pastor Jim will be discussing Invitation to Psalms. This ten-session study will help participants make a deeper connection to the world of the Psalms so that these well-known scriptures can help us give voice to all aspects of our human experience - joy, faith, uncertainty, and sorrow. Even if you are just a beginner in studying the Bible, the class is designed to make you feel at home.

This series will be on Wednesdays, beginning September 18 at both 10:00 a.m. AND 6:30 p.m. Classes are held in the Adult Education center in Room 213.

Room 213
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 - 10:00am

Foundations Class: Christianity and World Religions

Simply Christian - Why Christianity Makes SenseStrengthen Your Foundation of Faith This Fall

For the first ten weeks of the fall quarter, beginning on Sunday, September 15, "Christianity and World Religions - Wrestling with the Questions People Ask" will be the focus for the Foundations class this fall. This 10-session study presents basics about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and how Christians can build bridges of understanding with people of those faiths. The study includes brief video presentations by representatives from each of the religions. In addition, guest speakers from local faith communities will be invited to share their perspectives with class members.

You are invited to be a part of this class, and since each session addresses a single topic, you may attend all ten sessions, or just one.  

The Foundations class meets every Sunday at 9:30am in Room 213 to provide a Sunday School for adults who want to explore their faith. All are welcome to attend any week, and you do not need to have or read the book to participate.

Room 213
Sunday, September 15, 2013 - 9:30am


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