What's First...?

Real Church: Real Value

Real Church: Real Value

You join a church. You attend as much as you can. You give them your money. You give them your time. You put God as your first priority – you are giving up other things to be in this place at that time. The question that comes to my mind is: What’s in it for me? What do I get from it all?

What's First Conversations

What's First...?What's first in our lives and what's first for our church? Starting on Sunday, Septembe 29, we will be holding conversation groups in Room 202 after all three services where we invite you to share your ideas.

Should we be addressing local needs and causes such as poverty and injustice, organizing new mission activities for adults or youth? Or can we improve our support for your personal faith journey through fellowship or education? We want to promote open discussions and hear your ideas about any aspect of our church life.

Share with us in deciding "What's First...?"

Note: There will be no conversation groups on Oct. 6 because of the Guatmela delegation. They will resume on Oct. 13.

Room 202
Sunday, September 29, 2013 - 9:15am
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