500 Years - Life in Resistance

500 Years - Life in ResistanceWe invite all church members to a screening on April 26 of 500 Years - Life in Resistance, a powerful documentary by Pamela Yates that describes the turbulent history of Guatemala from the civil war to the present day. This is a great opportunity to understand the conflict that led to the growth of new communities in Guatemala City, out of which the UPAVIM cooperative was formed. The movie will be preceded by a potluck supper and followed by a discussion led by members of the Sister Parish board, who are meeting at our church. Sister Parish is the organization that links our church to the women of UPAVIM.

The struggle for justice for the 200,000 who died during the violent conflict culminated in the first trial of a former head-of-state for genocide in 2013. General Rios-Montt was found guilty in 2013 in a major victory for the indigenous people who had been targeted by his armed forces in the early eighties, although the conviction was overturned on legal technicalities in a controversial decision by the country's constitutional court. This is an epic story that has been received with standing ovations at many film festivals around the world.

Another delegation from our church is visiting UPAVIM in Guatemala in July this year. If you are potentially interested in going, or if you just want to find out more about the background of the inspiring women of UPAVIM who have visited our church on several occasions, please come to see this movie. Please sign up below or contact the church office if you are thinking of attending.


Fellowship Hall
Friday, April 26, 2019 - 6:30pm

Signups closed for this Event


Please make this a signup for both me and David. Is it ok to bring a pistachacio salad? Thank you, Barbara

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