Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata - A Carol Trip Around the World

On December 4, the Chancel Choir will present their annual Christmas Cantata. The choir will perform 20 carols from countries across the globe and will include a visual presentation to serve as a road map on this Christmas journey.

Along the way, they will be joined by some of our children's choirs for a rousing Christmas carol. John Smoke will act as guide for both children and adults as we take A Carol Trip Around the World. We hope you will join us!

A Sunday Morning with Alice Parker

DGFUMC is hosting international choral celebrity, Alice Parker, the woman who shaped the face of choral music in America, and who will lead the congregation in discovering the beauty in hymn singing on Sunday, November 6 at our 11:00 a.m. worship service. She will build the musicality of each and every person present; and this service is one you will remember for years to come. At 90 years old, Mrs. Parker is making her victory lap, and this trip to the Midwest is to be one of her last out of her home state of Massachusetts.

Join us as we learn from this internationally renowned composer, conductor and teacher, as she leads the congregation in a Community Sing Service featuring beloved hymns both old and new. 

Please invite your friends and neighbors to a special morning of singing.

All Are Welcome!

Chancel Choir Spring Cantata - Sunrise Mass

The Chancel Choir will be presenting an evocative contemporary cantata, Sunrise Mass, by Norwegian-American Ola Gjeilo on Sunday, April 17 at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Gjeilo, widely regarded as an important new composer, has created “a most beautiful and satisfying music for our time, a beacon of hope in the world.” 

The four movements of the piece - The Spheres, Sunrise, The City, and Identity & The Ground - move from transparent and celestial to emotional and dramatic. Projection designs will enhance the listener’s experience. This young composer intends Sunrise Mass to be “a metaphor for human development from child to maturity and a spiritual journey.”

We hope you will join us for this unique and moving musical experience!

Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata - An Alice Parker Christmas

Alice Parker is a living musical legend whose work teaching congregations to sing and music directors to arrange and interpret has inspired thousands around the world. Alice’s arrangements and recordings with the Robert Shaw Chorale served to popularize choral music in our country. The program will feature ensembles and choir, and congregational singing.

Please come and begin your Advent season by listening to and joining the choir in singing favorite Christmas carols.

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Practice for our Chancel Choir, our church's adult choir.

Fellowship Hall
Thursday, September 17, 2015 - 7:30pm

Chancel Choir Welcome Social And First Rehearsal

The season kick off for the Chancel Choir, our church's adult choir.

Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 7:00pm

Chancel Choir Spring Cantata - Gospel Mass

Sunday, April 19
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services

Gospel Mass, a highly acclaimed piece written by midwestern composer Robert Ray and performed throughout the U.S. and abroad, will feature the Chancel Choir, a three piece combo, and guest soloists Jasondra Johnson and James Earl Jones II. Both Jasondra and James Earl have grown up with gospel and are well known today in the Chicago music theatre scene. Plan to join us as we expand our culture in a joyous Gospel celebration!

Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata - Stella Natalis

Sunday, December 14
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services

The Chancel Choir will present an unusual and enticing piece entitled STELLA NATALIS by British composer Karl Jenkins, on Sunday, December 14 at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. The 12 parts of Stella Natalis (“star of birth”) celebrate different aspects of Christmastide - winter, the sleeping child, tidings of peace, thanksgiving - with wide ranging texts which take the listener on surprising journeys to childhood, seasons past, and anticipation of Christmas times to come. Jenkins, one of the most prolific, popular and performed composers in the world today, uses musical ideas and texts which suggest a "Star Wars" world turned toward the spiritual.

The cantata includes Downers Grove First United Methodist Church's fine Chancel Choir under the direction of Diane Hires and accompanied by Pattie Barnes. The orchestra features virtuoso trumpet (Tom Tait), string orchestra and two percussionists.

Please plan to attend one of these inspiring services with family and friends to celebrate joys of the Christmas season together.

Chancel Choir Cantata

Sunday, March 23 - 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services

The Chancel Choir, along with an assortment of bluegrass instrumentalists, will present The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass by Carol Barnett. This music program blends bluegrass and classical in a lively and inspirational way. Please bring friends and family and plan to make this special service a part of your Lenten experience.

Sunday, March 23, 2014 - 9:30am

Choirs resume in the New Year

Our choirs will resume their weekly rehearsals the week of January 6. If you're thinking about joining or bringing your child to choir, now is a great time! They will all be starting new music with the new year. So please join...or...welcome back!

All the children's choirs and Chapel Choir resume on Wednesday, January 8. The Chancel Choir will resume on Thursday, January 9.


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