Sunday School

Sunday School Registration

Registration for 2022-2023 Sunday School is taking place now. Every family needs to register annually; this is how we collect emergency information and allergy Information for each child. Bring your form with you (each family received one by mail) and give it to Pastor John on Sunday or drop it off in the church office during the week. If you prefer to register online, you may do so using the following Google form link.

| Registration Form |

Sunday School

Sunday School Registration

To register for Sunday School or a Children's Choir for 2021-2022, please fill out this Google form.

10:00 a.m. Sunday School Hour

At 10:00 a.m., beginning September 12, 2021, we will have Sunday School for 3 year-olds through 6th grade. The 3 year-old class (Room 113), 4 & 5 year-old class (Room 114) and Kindergarten class (Room 115) will start at 10:00 a.m. in their respective classrooms. These students will be using the Deep Blue curriculum, which helps make Bible stories and Bible people a part of children's everyday lives. 
Students in grades 1st through 6th will start in the sanctuary sitting with their families for worship service and then go to Sunday school classes following the children's message. There will be a sign-in sheet for students in grades 1st through 3rd on a clipboard that will be on tables right outside the sanctuary. These children will also need to be signed out when picked up following the worship service in Rooms 212-218.

Please contact John Smoke if you have any comments or questions regarding the Sunday school program.

Sunday School

10:00 a.m. Sunday School Hour

At 10:00 a.m., we will have Sunday School for 3 year-olds through 6th grade. The 3 year-old class (Room 113), 4 & 5 year-old class (Room 114) and Kindergarten class (Room 115) will start at 10:00 a.m. in their respective classrooms. These students will be using the Deep Blue curriculum, which helps make Bible stories and people a part of children's everyday lives. 
Students in grades 1st through 6th will start in the main sanctuary sitting with their families for worship service. There will be a sign-in sheet for students in grades 1st through 3rd on a clipboard that will be on tables right outside the sanctuary. These children will also need to be signed out when picked up following the worship service in Rooms 212-218.
Toward the beginning of the worship service, children will be invited to come forward for the Moment for Children. Children may come forward or stay with their family. Following the children’s message, children will follow Pastor Smoke to Sunday School. First through sixth graders will follow the Spark curriculum. This material provides workshop rotation options for each Bible story including art, games, science, and more. Seventh and 8th graders will have a separate Sunday school class.

Please contact John Smoke if you have any comments or questions regarding the Sunday school program.

Sunday School Registration

Sunday School begins on September 15 and Sunday School registration cards are due this week! Bring your registration card (mailed to all families along with Choir Registration information) to the church office during office hours to sign up. Every family needs to register annually, as this is how we collect emergency and allergy information for each child.

We look forward to your involvement with our Sunday ministries!

Rally Day - September 8, 2013

Rally Day Worship

Today, September 8, we return to three services (8:15 in the chapel, 9:30 and 11:00 in the sanctuary). The 9:30 and 11:00 services will be special family worship for all ages. There will be no Sunday school but there will be nursery care at all three services. Regular Sunday school will begin on September 15.

Rally Day Lunch

At noon everyone is invited to come to the gym to enjoy a box lunch (sandwich, chips, dessert, and drink). Cost will be $5/adult and $3/child (12 and under). Please sign up by calling 630.968.7120 or emailing the church office by September 5. 

Rally Day Service Project

At about 12:45, after lunch, it would be greatly appreciated to have people help set up tables for the Sweet Repeat which is the United Methodist Women’s annual sale.

Rally Day Movie

The Children & Family Work Area has reserved the Tivoli Movie Theater for our Rally Day celebration. Everyone is invited to attend the movie The Muppet Movie (The original movie from 1979) that will be shown at 1:30 p.m. The movie is about a frog, Kermit, who travels to Hollywood to pursue a career in show business. Along the way, he picks up some others who become great friends and together they find success and become The Muppets! Each child (12 and under) who attends church on September 8 will receive a coupon for a Kiddie Combo (box with popcorn, snack and drink). The concession stand will also be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:00 p.m. The movie is free for ALL (you don’t need a ticket) so please invite your friends and neighbors to come to church in the morning and to the movie in the afternoon!

Sunday, September 8, 2013 - 8:15am

Children Will Learn About Helping Others

Kim Holler, Missions Work Area member, is teaching a “helping others” segment for children in grades 1-4 in Sunday School classes this fall. She will focus on how and why we help at the People's Resource Center, especially giving food and gifts to make birthday bags for children in need.

To complement her teaching, the Missions Work Area will make a $300 donation to the PRC to also be used for children's birthday bags.

Sunday School students will be encouraged to donate: cakes mixes, tubs of frosting, new small toys for all ages and gift bags. Members of the congregation are also encouraged to help in this effort by donating from the above list. Place donations in the "PRC Birthday Box" which will be next to the regular PRC bin near the church office.

Rally Day 2012!!!

Come one, come all! Help us kick off the beginning of our new quarter and the return of the 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 worship services and our Chapel and Chancel Choirs this Sunday, September 9!

Rally Day usually marks the beginning of Sunday school classes for all ages. This year, however, we are planning something a little different. Sunday school will not begin until September 16 because of a special Rally Day worship service for all ages. Following the worship service, we have other things planned as well. See the schedule below:

  • 8:15 - Rally Day Worship in the Chapel
  • 9:30 - Rally Day Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 11:00 - Rally Day Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 12:00 - Lunch - $5/adult, $3/child 12 and under, sign up for lunch by calling or emailing the church office
  • 12:45 - Help set up tables for Sweet Repeat, many hands make light work!
  • 2:00 - Movie at the Tivoli: The Lorax, doors open at 1:30 with the movie starting at 2:00. Movie is free to all. Children who attend worship will receive a coupon for a free Kiddie Combo at the Tivoli
  • 4:00 - Junior High Ignite
  • 6:00 - Senior High Ignite

Don't forget to bring your shopping bag full of food to help stock the PRC pantry for fall! A list of needed items is attached below.

Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 8:15am

Sunday School Registration on Rally Day

On Rally Day, September 11, we invite all families to register for Sunday School over the coming year. We will have tables set up specially to receive registration cards and to direct you to the correct locations for your children. Every family needs to register annually; this is how we collect emergency contacts and allergy information for each child.

Yellow registration cards have been sent out to families who have already registered. If you would like to receive one, please contact the church office.

Rally Day Lunch

At noon, everyone is invited to the gym to enjoy lunch together. The menu will be hot dogs, fries, fruit, cookies, and lemonade. Cost will be $4/adult and $2/child (12 and under). Please sign up in the Parlor or by contacting the church office by September 4th.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 12:00pm

Rally Day Movie

Despicable MeThe Children and Family Work Area has reserved the Tivoli Movie Theater for our Rally Day celebration. Everyone that attends church and/or Sunday School on Rally Day, September 11th, will receive a ticket to the movie Despicable Me that will be shown at 1:30pm.

This movie is about a guy who wants to be the greatest villain of all time but in the process discovers a greater purpose for his life. In the words of the United Methodist Bishop, Rev. Sharon Rader, "God's surprises are better than our best laid plans."

The doors open at the Tivoli at 1:00pm. The concession stand will be open for anyone wanting to purchase snacks. 

Please invite your friends and neighbors to come to church in the morning and to the movie in the afternoon!

Tivoli Theater, Downers Grove
Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 1:00pm


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