Chapel Choir Tour

Sponsor a Chapel Choir Tour Bus Seat Today!

The 48th Annual Chapel Choir Tour will take place March 24-31, 2018 to Savannah, GA and you can help us cover some expenses and by “sponsoring a bus seat” for $25. The cost of transportation is one of the largest line items in the tour budget, so offsetting some of the cost through seat sponsorships will help reduce the individual tour fee for choir members.

Use the form below to direct your sponsorship to a particular student or have it applied to the tour fund. Forms are also available in the church office and in the west entryway on the poster board.

Make checks payable to DGFUMC and write ‘Bus Sponsorship’ on the memo line.

Thank you for your support!

Chapel Choir Parents Meeting

We will be going over Tour Information, financials and details. Two times are available to accomodate parents' schedules: 

• Sunday, Jan. 28, 10:45-11:15am, Open Door Youth Center (Upper Level)

• Wednesday, Jan. 31, 6:30-7:00pm, Chapel Hall

Open Door Youth Center & Chapel Hall
Sunday, January 28, 2018 - 10:45am

Chapel Choir Tour Home Concert

Come welcome home the Chapel Choir from the 2019 Choir Tour, God is Greater Than the Waves. The choir spent this Spring Break traveling to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas sharing a message of peace through music and scripture. You are invited to share in this message at this home concert.

Sunday, March 31, 2019 - 4:00pm

Chapel Choir Pre-Tour Concert

This year the Downers Grove First United Methodist Church Chapel Choir will embark on their 46th annual concert tour. This year's tour, Stand for Peace, shares the message of peace through music and scripture! Jesus teaches us how the peace of Christ can and does enter our life daily if we just ask!

You are invited to get a sneak peek of the program at a Pre-Tour concert at Hinsdale United Methodist Church.

Hinsdale UMC 945 S. Garfield
Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 4:00pm

Sponsor a Chapel Choir Tour Bus Seat Today!

The 46th Annual Chapel Choir Tour will take place March 25-April 1, 2017 and you can help us cover some expenses and Make it Easier to Get to the Big Easy by “sponsoring a bus seat” for $25. The cost of transportation is one of the largest line items in the tour budget, so offsetting some of the cost through seat sponsorships will help reduce the individual tour fee for choir members.

Use the form below to direct your sponsorship to a particular student or have it applied to the tour fund. Forms are also available in the church office and in the west entryway on the poster board.

Make checks payable to DGFUMC and write ‘Bus Sponsorship’ on the memo line.

Thank you for your support!

Chapel Choir Tour Home Concert

Come fill your spirit and experience God’s love, grace and everlasting power as we welcome home the Chapel Choir from the 2016 Choir Tour Testify to Love at this home concert.

Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 4:00pm

Chapel Choir Spring Break Pre-Tour Concert

Join us as the Chapel Choir presents a sneak peek of its upcoming Spring Break Tour program, Testify to Love, at Baker Memorial United Methodist Church in St. Charles.

Baker United Methodist Church - 307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles
Sunday, March 20, 2016 - 7:00pm

Get On Board To Broadway - Sponsor a Chapel Choir Tour Bus Seat Today!

The 45th Annual Chapel Choir Tour will take place March 26-April 2, 2016 and you can help us cover some expenses by Getting On Board to Broadway and “sponsoring a bus seat” for $25. The cost of transportation is one of the largest line items in the tour budget, so offsetting some of the cost through seat sponsorships will help reduce the individual tour fee for choir members.

You can direct your sponsorship to a particular student or have it applied to the tour fund. Make checks payable to DGFUMC and write ‘Bus Sponsorship’ on the memo line.

Thank you for your support!

Chapel Choir Tour Home Concerts

Sunday, April 12
4:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Come fill your spirit and experience God's love, grace and everlasting power as we welcome home the Chapel Choir from the 2015 Choir Tour.

They will be performing We Believe..., the music they performed on their trip to Pensacola at two concerts. All are welcome to attend!

Sunday, April 12, 2015 - 4:00pm

Pancake Breakfast - Chapel Choir Tour Fundraiser

January 25
8:30 to 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to Noon
In the Gym

Join us for this special time of fellowship before and after the Together @ 10... We are ONE worship service. All donations help support the 2015 Chapel Choir Spring Break Tour.

Sunday, January 25, 2015 - 8:30am


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