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Hope Still Dwells

From Pastor Claude's sermon on September 18:

“Hope Still Dwells”
by Denise King

The glare of a summer sun shining through my windowpane brings warm thoughts to mind!

Remembering the times when days were long, playing in the street where no crime abides.

Where the grass is green, and the flowers grew. The old gather to share things that matter and the young fill the air with laughter and chatter.

Now these things are long in our past, war is present, hunger, and homelessness are vast.

Crime is in, families are torn, and the dreams of children are no longer born!

Where do we go from here when we see our young, our future, in despair?

Do we look away, having an empty place in our hearts and minds for those who are not in our care?

Or do we just pray and send money to a popular cause, letting our conscious be free and clear?

Where do we go from here when all we see is hopelessness in a world full of tragic circumstances with hatred and indifference to those that do not look and live like us?

We go back to the beginning where hope still dwells. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ brings that hope through the glare of the new summer Son (Jesus) to those who have not
hardened their hearts.

May we all take on the burden to bridge the gap with the love and care that we have in our hands and deep within our souls!

Sunday School Registration

Registration for 2022-2023 Sunday School is taking place now. Every family needs to register annually; this is how we collect emergency information and allergy Information for each child. Bring your form with you (each family received one by mail) and give it to Pastor John on Sunday or drop it off in the church office during the week. If you prefer to register online, you may do so using the following Google form link.

| Registration Form |

Children's Choirs Start Soon

We hope you and your children will join us for choir this year! We have choirs for all ages from four through grade 12! Join anytime with a lot, a little, or no experience!

Children’s choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 14. Come to the parlor a few minutes before your choir rehearsal time to register for choir or register online.

Choir ages/grades and times are below. Please note that we have changed some of the ages and grades for the choirs this year.

Register for Children’s Choir in the Parlor then to rehearsal: 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.

  • 4:30 p.m. – Angel Choir (4 & 5-year-olds & K) – Room 16
  • 5:00 p.m. – Cherub Choir (1st – 3rd grades) – Chapel Hall
  • 5:00 p.m. – Chorister Choir (4th – 5th grades) – Fellowship Hall
  • 5:45 p.m. – Connection Choir (6th – 8th grades) – Fellowship Hall

| Online Choir Registration |

Have a child in high school? Join Chapel Choir!

Join Chapel Choir (grades 9-12) for rehearsal on Sundays. They will be rehearsing on September 4 at 11:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. It's not too late to join! For more information, contact Nick Loos, Chapel Choir director, at or stop by a Sunday rehearsal.

Disciple Fast Track: Becoming Disciples through Old Testament Study

Disciple Fast Track Bible Study immerses participants in a complete overview of the Bible covering both Old and New Testaments from September to March. Pastor Claude will offer Disciple Fast Track 1 study this fall beginning Wednesday, September 14 through December 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 213.

Disciple Fast Track provides a viable option for busy people seeking comprehensive study over time with the entire biblical text. Fast Track groups meet for a total of 24 weeks, devoting 12 weeks each to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Participants read a manageable 3–5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for the weekly meetings, which last approximately 90 minutes.

You will read chapters from the Bible and sections in the manual each week, then come together as a group with Pastor Claude to view a short review video and go over prepared questions to discuss. Participants have the opportunity to take a spiritual gifts assessment and determine meaningful ways they can serve and live out their discipleship commitment.

To sign up, please email Pastor Claude.

Order the Study Manuals

Each participant will buy both study manuals and plan to be part of both modules for the complete 24-week study. Books are available at the links below. Place close attention to the versions of the books listed below, as there are several options – the links provided are the versions that will be used for this group.


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