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Weather Cancellations

Chicago WeatherPlease note that all meetings at the church tonight have been cancelled due to the weather. The church building will be locked early.

Is Christmas just for kids?

Advertisers want us to think of kids when we think of Christmas because they know that when it comes to our kids we will do lavish, sometimes crazy things.

The Christmas story though, invites us to look at life with adult eyes, like how do you negotiate life living in an occupied territory? It starts with a census because Rome needed money. Do the authorities care about Mary’s condition? Do they compensate Joseph for hours lost at the carpenter’s lathe? These people are living in fear, like many of us who fear everything from cancer to stewardship programs.

S.O.S. - Sharing Our Skills

Cleaning bucketYour help is needed Saturday, September 14 for S.O. S. starting at 8:30 AM for coffee in the Adult Education Room 213.

There are several projects that need doing:

  • Cleaning up the children’s playground so fresh mulch can be spread
  • Outside work including pruning bushes and weeding
  • Changing lights in the Sanctuary

The church has some tools, but not enough for everyone.  Please bring your favorite yard tools, racks or trimming equipment.

If you can come, please contact the church office ( 630.968.7120).

Saturday, September 14, 2013 - 8:30am

What's First?

What's First? That’s a question we ask ourselves, over and over, consciously or subconsciously, each day.

What's First? -- we may ask in the morning – eat breakfast, or take a few extra minutes to exercise? Work a little more on my morning’s first meeting, or...just grab my jacket and head out the door to make sure I get to work in plenty of time?

What’s First? -- we may ask during the day – write that letter or get down on the floor to really spend time with the kids? Call that person I haven’t seen in a while...or tackle that closet?

Welcome to our newest Music Staff Member!

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new music staff member. Michael Oldham has agreed to share his talents and musical training serving as our Chapel Choir Accompanist. He brings a variety of skills and experiences evidenced in his audition and recommendations. In addition to working part-time with our Chapel Choir Director, Chad Goetz as the choir piano accompanist as Lockport High School. Michael also accompanies Reed-Custer High and Middle Schools school choir concerts, solo/ensemble contests, musical pit orchestras, and is an accomplished composer and music teacher. We are blessed to have Michael and know he will be a wonderful addition to our music staff! Welcome to DGFUMC, Michael!

Enlarging the Neighborhood

It’s interesting that when Jesus talks about eternal life he begins by talking about something else.

When Jesus speaks about living into eternal moments he gives us stuff that we can do before the day is up.

Aurora District - Celebration of Song and Fellowship Retirement Celebration for Diana Facemyer

Come and help us celebrate the ministry and recognize the retirement of

Rev. Diana FacemeyerRev. Dick WisdomRev. Diana Facemyer, District Superintendent

and welcome

Rev. Dick Wisdom, New District Superintendent

In honor of Diana's retirement, we will be collecting funds for JFON (Justice For Our Neighbors). We appreciate your generosity.

Please RSVP no later than May 28 to the regional office: 847.931.0710 ext. 11.

Childcare is available upon request.

Sunday, June 2, 2013 - 3:00pm

Thank You JJ Mannschreck

JJ and Sara MannschreckWe want to congratulate Seminary Intern JJ Mannschreck on his recent graduation from Garrett-Evangelical! JJ has had a very successful seminary experience, as you may have assumed from the high quality of leadership he shared during his two years with our congregation.

With seminary completed, JJ now steps out of his role with our local church and begins the rest of his journey in full-time ministry. He and his wife, Sara, plan to work abroad for the next two years, she teaching English, and he serving in available ministry capacities. Following that adventure, they plan to return to Michigan, where JJ will serve as a pastor in the Detroit Area Conference.

From working with the Praise Band, to leading youth ministries for a time, to beginning a small group, to preaching and pastoral care and administrative experience, JJ has gifted our congregation and made a difference in many ways.

Godspeed, JJ and Sara - we are grateful for you!

The Body of the Spirit

If you watch sports, especially team sports, it becomes clear which teams play together well and which teams are simply a collection of All-stars. It always amazes me when I look at professional football and watch teams that either win year after year, or stay in the hunt and make the Playoffs year after year.

Membership Information Session/New Members Class

If you are interested in joining FUMC, or learning more about the church, you are invited to attend one of two classes in January.

New members will be received into membership on Sunday, February 24 at the 11:00 a.m. service.

If you would like to be a part of the next class, please contact Pastor Jim or Pastor Greta at the church or Marilou Welch at 630.968.4136

Room 202
Sunday, January 20, 2013 - 9:30am


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