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Welcoming our World on Sunday

This Sunday, August 30 we will be "Welcoming the World" our summer theme in some special ways.

At both services, we will celebrate the start of the new preschool year at church, and introduce Nancy Bifulco as the new preschool director. We welcome an important part of the world when we welcome the 3 & 4 year old children from our congregation and community to the ministry of the preschool.

Welcoming the world right where we are

As we enter the last half of August, we are also in the last few weeks of our summer 2015 church theme - "Welcoming the World."

Parenting in the 21st Century

As every parent of a child or teen in our congregation already knows, parenting in the 21st century is a tremendous challenge (as well as a joy) - one of our most life-impacting opportunities (responsibilities?) (relationships?). This Sunday we'll listen to an image about the parent-child relationship from the Old Testament book of Hosea, and reflect on how it might relate to parenting, or other mentoring relationships, today.

Choosing our government and governing our choices

Hello! I hope everyone's summer is going well. This Sunday I will be talking about choosing our government and governing our choices.  Happiness and meaning are not things to pursue. If you have ever tried to be happy or have a meaningful conversation, you know that these twins are seldom available to command from ourselves or the situation.

A "Special" Sunday

We had one of those unexpectedly "special" Sundays last weekend, on February 1 - not something designated on the denominational calendar, but definitely decreed by our  Saturday night snowstorm, predicted to turn into our Sunday afternoon near-blizzard.

Of course, many of our congregation were homebound that day, with snow-filled driveways and blocked neighborhood streets.

Pastors' Reflections

This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and we are part of a culture that associates certain rituals with that day -- notably eating! Chicken wings and pizza are consumed in heavy quantities by individuals and at gatherings -- in fact, Super Bowl Sunday is now second only to Thanksgiving in the amount of food consumed in one day.

The Promise of "God with Us"

Our weather hasn't been too difficult yet this December, but I'm still looking forward to "the promise" - our weather forecasters promise that by Sunday we will be having temperatures in the high 40's. We'll see if they are right!

Whatever the weather, I am looking forward to another kind of "promise" - the promise of "God with Us" that we celebrate this season and that we will receive in special ways this Sunday, December 14.

A Simple Gift of Peace

This Sunday marks the second week in Advent, when we lift up the gift of Peace for which we long, and which is given to the world through the birth of Jesus.

The scriptures read at the Advent Candle lighting time at the start of Sunday's worship services, and those read later in the service, may make you want to sing! You will probably recognize the verses from Isaiah 40 as lyrics in Handel's famous Messiah. "Every valley will be lifted up..." and "He shall feed his flock like a Shepherd," are among the lines from this great scripture passage of hope and peace.

Walking into Advent

As we walk into Advent with Celebrate the Gift as our theme for this season, I want to walk through some verses from
Isaiah 11. This chapter invites us to watch for newness outside our constricted, frightened logic.

It begins: Out of the stump of Jesse..., Jesse being David’s father. David’s family and dynasty had run out in failure; no king, no future, no royal possibility, only a stump. But, says the poet, the stump will produce a shoot of new life that was not expected.

Laity Sunday

Jim and I are especially looking forward to this Sunday's worship services - because both of us will get to really listen to, and ponder, the message that is given by our Lay Leaders, Ray and Ina Osborn.

The Laity Sunday worship services and sermon are based on Jesus' teaching in Luke 13:18-21, about the significance in something as small as a mustard seed, or a bit of yeast. Like many of Jesus' teachings, the seemingly simple words challenge us to see things in new ways, and to keep asking questions of ourselves.


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