About Us

New Members Class

All who are interested in joining DGFUMC are invited to this class, which will be led by Pastor Jim.

Room 202
Sunday, January 22, 2012 - 11:00am

New Members Class

All who are interested in joining DGFUMC are invited to this class, which will be led by Pastor Greta. There will be a second opportunity to meet with Pastor Jim on January 22.

Room 202
Sunday, January 8, 2012 - 9:30am

New Member Classes

On Sunday, January 8th at 9:30am and Sunday, January 22th at 11:00am, we will be holding a class for anyone interested in joining DGFUMC. Please contact Pastor Jim or Pastor Greta for more information.

Introducing JJ

JJ and Sara

JJ Mannschreck has recently joined the DGFUMC as an intern. He is currently a second year student at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. His primary experience has been in the area of Youth Coordinating, but he has a passion for every type of Spiritual Formation. During his internship at DGFUMC, he is grappling with the vocational concerns of whether to pursue Pastoral Leadership or to become a Professor of Religion.

He was recently married, in August 2011, to his lovely wife Sara. Sara is starting graduate level courses at Wheaton College in the Spring of 2012. The two met while at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. JJ is originally from Troy, Michigan, which is a northern suburb of Detroit. JJ comes from a long line of Pastors, Religious Teachers and Missionaries.

During this time with us, he will be participating in many different aspects of our church life. You may have already seen him singing in the Chancel Choir, teaching Onward Bound, or leading small groups. He is excited to help start some new opportunities for the high school youth, so watch out for those. 

When you see JJ and Sara in church, please introduce yourself and welcome them to DGFUMC.

Tower Bell Submissions Deadline

All submissions for the Tower Bell must be received by November 7, 2011, for inclusion in the Fall edition. Please email articles and pictures to bethany@dgfumc.org.

Entering the Grateful Month

I am so glad I have an office with a window. Not only with a window, but with a window two stories up -- so I can look at "leaf-level" toward the trees on our church property and across the street at the park.

These last days of October have been especially beautiful - so many of them sunny and colorful - and I am trying to savor some moments every day. For when November comes - and it is coming very soon - we can count on much of the color, and more of the warmth, disappearing.

Follow-up to the Amy DeLong trial

After the Amy DeLong trial victory, some pastors have written to our Council of Bishops urging them to take a reactive, negative stance against gay/lesbian pastors. In response to these letters, on September 27, Rev. Scott Campbell, Defense Counsel for the Amy DeLong trial, wrote the following open letter to our Council of Bishops.

An Open Letter to the Council of Bishops

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write to you as one who has recently participated in the trial of the Rev. Amy DeLong as Counsel for the Respondent and as one who has signed a pledge to offer the full ministry of the church to all persons without regard to their gender or sexual orientation. I am also writing in response to the recent letters from a group of United Methodist pastors and lay persons urging the Council of Bishops to adopt a proactive threatening and punitive stance in an attempt to intimidate those whose pastoral consciences have long been violated. I offer this letter with the deepest respect for the office of bishop and an inkling of the heart-rending conflicts experienced by human beings called to such ministry on behalf of the church. It is out of such an understanding that I humbly offer what follows.

S.O.S. Thank You!

We had a lot of fine work done on the 2nd Saturday of the month in October and I want to call it to the congregation's attention. We were able to work hard at the parsonage and got a ton of exterior work done.

We removed 100's of walnuts. We gathered twigs and limbs to burn. We edged and trenched trees in the back yard and planted hostas. We cleaned up and weeded several flower beds. We got 18 old "PADS" matresses thrown away. We got some electrical work done and some work done in the shower areas. We washed about half of the Rent-a Tent chairs. All in all a very busy and productive morning.

We had 17 in attendance....they are Dave Shultz, Terry and Tyler Bleau, Andrea Schwartzers-Polites, Tom and Karen Wagner, Pete Wildman, Don and Devra Dunham, Don Safford, Mark and Ellen Pitstick, Alan DeBral, Scott and Chris Hudson, Ward Feste, and Scott and Renie Curry.

Thanks to all of you for your outstanding efforts. We worked hard and enjoyed each other'scompany and fellowship. Let's keep the ball rolling.....this is the best attendance we have had in several months. Bring family, friends and kids.....we challenge you to be good stewards in SERVICE towards the upkeep and maintenance of OUR church. We meet every 2nd Saturday of the month for continental breakfast, fellowship and designated work from staff, trustees, and SOS coordinators.

During this S.O.S. event we saved the church about $1,000 in labor expenses.


Those Little Things

I won't be in worship with you this Sunday, the 16th -- instead, I'll be at the church I attended during my Junior and Senior High School days, in Dixon, Illinois. They are celebrating their 175th anniversary this year, as we are, and they've invited the people who've become pastors from their church to come back and share some reflections.

Mission, Vision, and Values

A Community of Christ

We extend opportunities to everyone to know God, grow in faith, and serve others.

We prepare one another for ministry,

act on our faith,

encourage and support all of God’s children,

and celebrate our life together in Christ.

We value children, youth, and adults; therefore we provide

lifelong Christian learning

to guide our faith in daily living,

service to our local and global neighbors

to express our love and faithfulness,

personal connection and fellowship

to support and nurture each other as members of the Body of Christ,

inspirational worship and music

to move minds, hearts, and souls,

a spirit of openness and hospitality

to welcome all who seek a church home,

and caring responsiveness

to meet the needs of a changing world.


God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.


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