
Hanging of the Greens 2012

O Come, All Ye Faithful, Joyful and Triumphant...
Let's Go Tell It on the Mountain!

Come join us for an evening of captivating handbell artistry as we launch the 2012 Celebration of Christ's birth.

The festive concert includes a regal processional of double handbell choirs and splendid settings of favorite carols, including the mysterious Watchman, Tell Us of the Night, the elegant In the Bleak Midwinter, a sparkling Catalonian Carol, a jaunty Caribbean Christmas, Trepak from the Nutcracker, and even Christmas Toys on Parade to tickle your funny bone. The audience will join in song for our majestic rendition of O Come All Ye Faithful.

An accompanying narrative will set the scene for our celebration as we play this overture to your season and offer "The Hanging of the Greens."

Tickets are $7 in advance; $9 at the door.
Childcare is provided.
Please call the church office at 630.968.7120 or Pattie Barnes at 630.953.0146 or email

FUMC - Sanctuary
Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 7:00pm

Choir Dedication Sunday

Music for worshipOctober 28th - 9:30 & 11:00 Worship Services

Angel, Cherub, Chorister, Connection, Chapel and Chancel Choirs will be singing!

Bells will be ringing!

Please come and enjoy a wonderful service filled with music

IL-ACDA Community/Church Honor Choir

On Saturday, October 20th, several Chancel Choir members attended the Illinois-American Choir Directors’ Association Community/Church Honor Choir held at North Central College in Naperville, IL. The program included 3 hours of rehearsal on Friday evening, 4 hours on Saturday, and concluded with a concert on Saturday at Wentz Hall on the campus of North Central College.

Our Chancel Choir was represented by Melinda Bergstrom, Pennie Crinion, Bill Crowther, Allen DeBraal, Sally DeBraal, Scott Hudson, Jim McDonald, Karen Owen, Jamie Postlewait, and Dave Sandfort. Our own Brett Goad served as Conference Chair for this event, and is very active in the IL ACDA, having served as president of the board last year. The director of the Honor Choir was Paul Rardin, Director of Choral Activities at Temple University and a wonderfully creative and talented director, whom all enjoyed very much. The repertoire was varied and wonderful, from Mendelssohn to "Camptown Races".

Thank you and congratulations to our church choir members who well-represented our church and Chancel Choir and I’m sure had a great time while learning wonderful music and making new friendships.

Choirs have begun!

We had an exciting children's choirs first rehearsal and registration on Wednesday, Sept. 12th. With the Sweet Repeat set up going on we had registration in the Open Door. It was fun to see so many faces full of surprise and wonder at our inviting, spacious, modern Open Door (Youth Lounge). Maybe we should have registration in there every year so we can show off the space available to our future junior high and high school youth!  Seventy-six children have been registered to sing in our choirs! Woo-hoo! Hopefully there are more to come as our kids find time for church choir throughout the year in their active lives.

The high school Chapel Choir and adult Chancel Choir are in full swing, rehearsing each Wednesday or Thursday and singing every Sunday morning for worship. What a joy to have so many voices in these wonderful choirs!

Bell Choirs are also back and ringing in worship once per month. It was great to hear them last Sunday!

How wonderful to hear our Sanctuary organ again! Thank you to our Board of Trustees for all the volunteer  time it took to coordinate the huge undertaking of repairing our magnificent organ.

Thank you to all our directors - Debbie Phillips, Becky Kriz, Chad Goetz, Diane Hires, Pattie Barnes and our accompanists - Dave Sandfort, Chris Hudson, Bobbi Mielcarski, Pattie Barnes and our organists - Maureen McDorman and Pattie Barnes and all our singers and ringers - too many to name -- for the beautiful, meaningful music we hear each week!  Our Choir Dedication service will be on October 28th at both services. Try to attend worship that day! It will be full of music and should prove to be a great experience.

Choirs have begun!

We had an exciting children's choirs first rehearsal and registration last Wednesday, Sept. 12th. With the Sweet Repeat set up going on we had registation in the Open Door. It was fun to see so many faces full of surprise and wonder at our inviting, spacious, modern Open Door. Maybe we should have registration in there every year so we can show off the space available to our future junior high and high school youth!  Seventy-six children have been registered to sing in our choirs! Woo-hoo!

Choirs are starting up!

It's almost time for the start of choir rehearsals! I hope everyone saw the information in the Tower Bell or picked up a brochure from the kiosk at the entryway. Choir is a fun way for children to get used to coming to church -- and it gets the parents here and involved and getting to know one another too.

Choirs are not limited to children! We have the Chapel Choir for any interested high schoolers -- a wonderful way to get to know other high school youth . They tour every spring and fuse many friendships.

Chancel Choir Welcome Fellowship and First Rehearsal

Thursday, Sept. 6 - 7:00 p.m. - On the porch (if weather permits otherwise in Fellowship Hall)

Porch then Fellowship Hall
Thursday, September 6, 2012 - 7:00pm

Join A Choir!

“Learning to Walk with Christ Daily” -- Through Music!

DGFUMC choir rehearsals are starting up so join for the first time or come on back! After a summer of Special Music during worship, organized by Pattie Barnes and provided by many talented, generous musicians, our regular services will once again begin on Rally Day, Sept. 9. Regular worship services also means CHOIRS! Choirs mean choir members! There is a choir for you!

Registration and rehearsal information packets have gone out to all church families. Please call the church office if you do not receive one. Or check the website: for current information.

Chapel Choir (High School) – The first rehearsal is Wednesday, August 22nd at 7-8:45PM! Choir Kick Off Supper and Registration is on Wednesday, Aug. 29 – 6:30 pm at the Parsonage (In the Gym if it rains) - No need to sign up – just come! 

Chancel Choir (Adults) – We LOVE new singers! Want to join? Attend the first rehearsal – Thursday, Sept. 6 – 7:00 pm for Welcome Fellowship on the porch and then rehearsal in Fellowship Hall. Normal rehearsal time is 7:30 - 9:10 pm. Contact Diane Hires (DianeHires@, the director, for more information.

Children’s Choirs – There is a children’s choir for all children aged 3 through 8th grade. The first rehearsal and registration is Sept. 12.

Bell Choirs – We have two! Enjoy teamwork and musicianship thru ringing handbells. Call Pattie Barnes 630-953-0146 (

Is this YOUR year to Join a Choir?! Watch for upcoming musical celebrations of the Christmas season at our church!

Sonshine Choir Visits FUMC!

We had the priviledge of hosting the Sonshine Choir from Brentwood (TN) UMC as they performed a wonderful concert on July 14 followed by beautiful anthems at our worship services the next day. They provided a real gift through their music and spirit and our congregation provided them a gift through our generosity of food, lodging, and attendance. The 100 youth were housed by 34 incredible families. Please enjoy some of the pictures from their visit!


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