
Advent Devotion - Week One

Jim McDonaldIsaiah 2:1-5

When we look back into the world of ancient Israel. Into this world of ploughshares and pruning hooks. While It may be that in normal times, life was about plowing and planting and pruning and praying for good weather. However in times of crisis, things took a different shape.

Advent Wreath Lighting

We need families or households to light the Advent Wreath during worship services on December 18 at either the 9:30 or 11:00am services, and on Christmas Eve at 7:00pm, 9:00pm or 11:00pm. If you are interested, please contact Sharon at the church office (630-968-7120).

Sunday Worship

Sunday, November 27, 2011
First Sunday in Advent

Worship Service

Pastor Jim McDonald
Speak Tenderly
Mark 1:1-8

Meghan Lyda, Cello


Worship Service

Pastor Jim McDonald
Speak Tenderly
Mark 1:1-8

Chapel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.


Worship Service

Pastor Jim McDonald
Speak Tenderly
Mark 1:1-8

Chancel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.

Poinsettia Orders - Now Being Taken

There are envelopes in the pews to be used for ordering poinsettias. If you would like to purchase a plant for $15, please fill out the information on the front of the envelope and enclose a check. You may indicate on the envelope if you would like it in memory of someone or in honor of someone. Place your order in the offering plate on Sunday or bring it to the church office. Orders are due by Sunday, December 11.

Christmas Peace 2011

Christmas PeaceThis year, we will be offering a tranquil opportunity to take a time-out from all the holiday activities. If you might be searching for that sense of inner peace amidst all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, here is an opportunity to do so.

Perhaps 2011 has not been the best year for yourself or someone you care deeply about. A death of a loved one, severe illness, loss of employment, or just simply the burdens of everyday life may be feeling a bit too heavy, this is the place for you.

Maybe you just have a desire to rekindle your relationship with God.

This will be a time of peaceful music, simple readings and prayer as we try to put everything into perspective with the birth of Jesus Christ.

This year, we will offer you an opportunity to place a memory ornament in the chapel that will remain there for the Advent season.

DGFUMC - the Chapel
Sunday, December 4, 2011 - 3:00pm

Thanksgiving Sunday

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Twenty Third Sunday After Pentecost

Service of Holy Communion

Pastor Jim McDonald
Thank you, Mr. Falker
Psalm 100
Luke 17:11-17

This service, which is in the intimate setting of the Heartt Memorial Chapel, consists of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is no Sunday School during this service.


Worship Service

Pastor Jim McDonald
Thank you, Mr. Falker
Psalm 100
Luke 17:11-17

Chapel Choir
Connection Choir
Chorister Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.


Worship Service

Pastor Jim McDonald
Thank you, Mr. Falker
Psalm 100
Luke 17:11-17

Chancel Choir, with Meghan Lyda, Cello
Cherub Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.

Sunday Worship

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost

Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Worth a Second Look
Matthew 25:31-45

Amanda Coppotelli, solo

This service, which is in the intimate setting of the Heartt Memorial Chapel, consists of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is no Sunday School during this service.


Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Worth a Second Look
Matthew 25:31-45

Chapel Choir
Westminster Handbell Ensemble

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.


Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Worth a Second Look
Matthew 25:31-45

Chancel Choir
Westminster Handbell Ensemble

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.

Sunday Worship

Sunday, November 6, 2011
All Saints Day

Service of Holy Communion

Rev. Jim McDonald
The Faculty of Heaven
Revelation 21:1-6a

This service, which is in the intimate setting of the Heartt Memorial Chapel, consists of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is no Sunday School during this service.


Service of Holy Communion

Rev. Jim McDonald
The Faculty of Heaven
Revelation 21:1-6a

Chapel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.


Service of Holy Communion

Rev. Jim McDonald
The Faculty of Heaven
Revelation 21:1-6a

Chancel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.

Praise Break

Praise Break

Praise Break! is exactly what it sounds like: a break from the craziness of life to praise God. We understand that the pressures of middle school and high school can leave us gasping for a breath of fresh air.

Praise Break is a contemporary worship service that lasts for no more than 45 minutes followed by a brief time of fellowship with snacks and drinks available.

The entire worship service is sandwiched between the Junior High Youth Meeting (at 4pm) and the Senior High Bible Study (at 6pm). If your schedule seems too packed for church, all the more reasons to take a break! In these hectic times, never forget to make time for God - just as God never forgets to make time for you!

Sunday Worship

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Commitment Sunday

Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Living for All You're Worth
Thessalonians 2:9-13

This service, which is in the intimate setting of the Heartt Memorial Chapel, consists of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is no Sunday School during this service.


Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Living for All You're Worth
Thessalonians 2:9-13

Chapel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the high school Chapel Choir. Once a month, the service has music of a more contemporary flavor provided by the Worship Band. All children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to go straight to Sunday School before the service begins.


Worship Service

Pastor Greta McDonald
Living for All You're Worth
Thessalonians 2:9-13

Chancel Choir

This service of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon is held in the Sanctuary, with special music usually performed by the Chancel Choir. Children from Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend the beginning of the service to hear a special children's sermon, after which they leave to join Sunday School.


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