
Wesley: 21 Portrayal

John Wesley

Fred Moore, a retired high school teacher of 33 years in Illinois, recreates a portion of the life of John Wesley, the Anglican priest from London who began the Methodist movement in the 18th century. Wesley, at the age of 70, looks back on his life and experiences.

Sharon Moore, Fred Moore’s wife, will play John Wesley’s wife. It is a program of wit and wisdom and inspiration and challenge created from the journals and writings of this unique individual. Fred Moore himself has been an active member of the Methodist Church for more than 40 years, serving as a Sunday School teacher, youth director, choir member and chairperson of several church commissions. During his tenure as a communications teacher in Downers Grove, Illinois, he directed 27 musicals and 33 plays and performed in leading roles in several community theatre productions. He brings to the portrayal both a professional and a person quality, as he finds Wesley a man of faith who has profoundly influenced his own spiritual life.

Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 10:00am

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals
Fishel Park
Sunday, July 24, 2011 - 10:00am

"Remembering Together"

Remember TogetherWho was Chloe, mentioned in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in the mid-first century? What were her concerns and the concerns of those meeting in her house church? Who gathered there to hear Paul’s letter response to their concerns, and what were they arguing about? What does it say to us now?

Let us join together at the worship services on Sunday, May 15, to enjoy and learn from an imaginative re-enactment of a mid-first century communion observance, “Remembering Together,” created by our Adult Christian Education and Foundations class.

Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 9:30am

National Day of Prayer

National Day of PrayerPlease join us for a prayer service in the chapel on Thursday, May 5 at 12:15PM.

The entire community is invited to attend.

Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 12:15pm

Holy Week

Holy WeekPalm Sunday

April 17 - Services at 8:15AM Chapel,
9:30AM and 11:00AM, Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday, 

April 21 - 5:30 –7:30 PM
Come and Go Communion, Parlor

Good Friday

April 22 - 7:30PM
Tenebrae Service, Sanctuary

In stillness, and darkness, we remember Jesus’ death. The Chancel Choir will lead our meditations, and there will be readings and prayers from a variety of traditions and sources.

Easter Sunday,

April 24 - Services at 8, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung Preaching.

8:00AM Chapel Choir
9:30AM Chancel Choir and Brass
11:00AM Chancel Choir, Brass and AngelChoir

Easter Flowers

It is time to order Easter flowers to decorate our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 24. Ordering envelopes will be in your bulletin or you may contact the church office. This year we are continuing to offer flowers in addition to Lilies to enhance the beauty of our Sanctuary.

Easter Lilies ~ $13.00
Tulips ~ $11.00
Azaleas ~ $17.00
Hydrangeas ~ $28.00

We are also taking orders for colorful window boxes for $35. Plants and window boxes may be picked up after the11:00am Worship Service. All orders MUST be in by Sunday, April 17.

Chancel Choir Cantata

Written in 1888, the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré is the most popular European cantata from this period. He wrote it “simply for the pleasure of it.” Fauré, encouraged by his teacher Saint-Saens to write in his own style, created lyrical melodies which are simple and compelling. He was organist at the prestigious Madeleine Church in Paris and served as a teacher of composition and director of the Paris Conservatory.

The Requiem will be performed by the 60-voice Chancel Choir under the direction of Diane Hires. Guest baritone Jeffrey Ray and our own Karen Owen will be the featured soloists. A chamber orchestra of 15 instrumentalists including organist Pattie Barnes will accompany the choir.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 - 9:30am

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash WednesdayCommunion & Imposition of Ashes

Sermon: Rev. Nick Nicholas

     "The Acceptable Time"
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10
Music: The Connection Choir

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - 7:00pm

Epiphany Sunday

We will have worship at the regular times of 8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am. Pastor Greta will preach on Matthew 2:1- 12 and Isaiah 60:1-9. We will share in Holy Communion at all three services.

Sunday, January 2, 2011 - 8:15am

Student Sunday

Sermon: Rev. Nick Nicholas
"Making the First Movie"
Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23
Music: Special Music

Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 10:00am


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