Health and Wellness

Caring Connection Callers Training

This fall we move into our third year of the Caring Connection Callers Ministry. A faithful group of callers meet for a short devotional and send off every 4-6 weeks to make “connections” - visits with our homebound church family. We would love to have you join us. If interested please let Rosie Roose know either via phone 630.204.1565 or email

Join us at our training session Sunday, August 27 following the 10:00 a.m. service with a light lunch and one hour informational training session in Chapel Hall.

For those who are unable to attend the August 27th session, there will also be a training session the following Sunday, September 3 from 9:20 - 10:00 a.m. in room 206.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 11:00am

Living with Loss Group

Grief is a wound that needs attention to heal. Mourning is a ritual that helps us take the steps toward the acceptance of our new normal. Join us on Sunday mornings in March as we discuss our losses and what we can do to move forward into our new life.

This class is led by Carol Lysne, PhD.

Room 202
Sunday, March 5, 2017 - 9:30am

Health Fair

What we don’t know can hurt us, especially when it comes to our health. Research and technology has rapidly changed the way illnesses are diagnosed and treated. On November 6, the Health and Wellness work area is hosting a Health Fair in the parlor with health care specialists available to share information and answer questions around the topics of:

Breast Cancer - Prostate Cancer - Heart Disease - Diabetes - Oral Cancer - Mental Illness

Blood pressure screenings will also be available.

Please plan to stop by to gather information on how to care for your most precious asset, your health.

Sunday, November 6, 2016 - 9:00am

Health and Wellness Monthly Seminar

Our next session will be Sunday, March 6 and our topic will be The 12 Step Program. We will learn about the program, how it works, how it helps and hear from individuals who have used the program successfully.

AA is for recovering alcoholics and Nar-Anon is for family members of addicts. There are a number of other programs for substance abusers, but all use the 12 steps for recovery. A member of AA and a member of Nar-Anon will join us to share their experience with the program and their journey to a saner way of living.

Room 213
Sunday, March 6, 2016 - 9:30am

Health & Wellness Seminar - How to Treat Your Musculoskeletal Conditions Naturally

Many of us are surprised to discover a new ache or pain. We wonder what caused it; age, exercise, posture? We try to decide how to deal with it by asking ourselves if we should ignore it, take pain medicine, consult a physician, and/or try physical therapy.

If you have questions about your aches and pains, plan to join us as Dr. Kory Johnson discusses common injuries, self- treatment and how know when to seek medical intervention.

A question and answer session will follow Dr. Johnson’s presentation.

Part of the Monthly Seminar series sponsored by the Health and Wellness Work Area.

Room 213
Sunday, February 7, 2016 - 9:30am

Health & Wellness Monthly Luncheon

Aging 101

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You.

Seniors are often unaware of the information that would help them age more successfully. Marybeth Beatty shares her knowledge and wisdom around the challenges of growing older.

RSVPs are requested. Please contact Sheila Ochoa in the church office at or 630.968.7120.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, December 6, 2015 - 12:15pm

Health & Wellness Monthly Luncheon

CVS Minute Clinic
Health Made Simple

Have you ever wanted to know about the services available in the clinics of the local drug stores, who provides them, what the cost is, and whether they accept insurance?

Johnson Vachachira will help us understand what routine and emergency services are offered by certified medical professionals, their cost, and when to avail ourselves of the convenience that drug store clinics offer.

Registration is requested. Please RSVP to Sheila at, stop by the church office or call at 630.968.7120.

Part of the Monthly Luncheon series sponsored by the Health and Wellness Work Area.

Room 213
Sunday, November 1, 2015 - 12:15pm

Learning to Connect: Relating to the Person with Alzheimer's Seminar

Feeling unsure or ill at ease spending time with a person with memory loss? By understanding the disease and how it affects the brain, you can more easily make meaningful connections with a person with Alzheimer's disease.

This program, presented by the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Illinois and sponsored by the Community Adult Day Care, will provide insight into memory loss and dementia and the effect on communication and behavior. It will also introduce techniques that can make visits with loved ones more comfortable and meaningful.

Register online at here or call 847.933.2413.

This program is 1.5 hours, which includes time for questions and answers.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 4501 Main Street, Downers Grove
Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 7:00pm

Parents Together - Health and Wellness Program

Parents Together - A Once a Month Discussion Group for Parents

Life’s Greatest Challenge:  Raising Healthy Children While Keeping Your Sanity and Sense of Humor!

Parents today are exhausted by the demands of two careers, societal expectations, and a constant barrage of information on how to be a “good” parent. Take a break and share your feelings about what it means to be a parent in today’s world.

Join us on the first Sunday of the month to share what works for you and learn what works for others.

Facilitated by Carol Lysne

Sunday, November 1, 2015 - 9:30am

Health and Wellness Monthly Luncheon

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know?

  • 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
  • 231,840 women are estimated to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2015.
  • Breast cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in women after skin cancer.

Join us this Sunday as the Health and Wellness Work Area continues its monthly luncheon series with a presentation and light lunch with Jill Wozny, RN, Breast Program Navigator for Edward Cancer Center. She will describe the various types of screening exams, what radiologist look for in analyzing the images, and ways to cope with anxiety while waiting for results.

Please RSVP to Sheila at, stop by the church office or call at 630.968.7120.

Room 213
Sunday, October 4, 2015 - 12:15pm


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