Health and Wellness

Living with Loss Group

The loss of a loved one leaves us with not only a hole in our  heart but in our lives also. Join us as we share our stories of our loved ones and discuss how their loss is affecting our lives as we learn to navigate our new reality.

The group will be led by Carol Lysne, Ph.D., beginning Sunday, February 10 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 202.

Room 202
Sunday, February 10, 2019 - 9:30am

Opioids and You

Dr. Robert Roose, son of Tom and Rosie Roose, will be joining us on September 23 at 9:30 am to talk about the opioid crisis, explain what opioids are, and how to protect yourself from becoming addicted. Dr. Roose serves as the Vice President of Behavioral Health for Mercy Medical Center in Springfield Massachusetts and is an expert in the field of addiction medicine.

Please join us for this crucial conversation open to all!

Chapel Hall
Sunday, September 23, 2018 - 9:30am

Internet Safety For You & Your Family

In the Chapel Hall at 9:30am & 11am

Join us for a presentation by Naperville police officers, including John McAnally from our church, when they talk about keeping kids safe online and discuss “Identity Theft: How to Prevent It” and “What to Do If You Are a Victim” at this helpful talk.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, May 6, 2018 - 9:30am

Life Line Screening event

Life Line Screening will be offering preventive health screenings on Monday, March 19, 2018.  As part of the screening event, Life Line Screening will offer low-cost take-home colorectal cancer tests called FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test) in recognition of March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. These tests are simple, accurate, and recommended for the early detection of colorectal cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases with age.  More than 90% of cases occur in people aged 50 and older.

Other preventive screenings provided check for stroke risk, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and osteoporosis. First United Methodist Church is pleased to make these important screenings available by hosting Life Line Screening, the nation's leading provider of preventive health screenings.

Screenings are fast, painless and affordable.  Three key tests check for blocked carotid arteries, an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation, and high blood pressure, which are the three leading risk factors for stroke.  Strokes are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., yet, with preventive strategies, 80% of strokes can be prevented.

Other tests check for abdominal aortic aneurysms and hardening of the arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Many events also offer blood tests, including cholesterol, glucose and c-reactive protein screenings. 

Screening packages start at $139. Single tests cost around $70.

Monday, March 19, 2018 - 8:30am

Taking Care of Your Loved Ones

Part III Know Your Options

On Sunday, Jan. 21 following the Pancake Breakfast in room 212 at 11:30 a.m. we will continue our series with speakers from Oasis, an organization that offers information and guidance for finding the right fit for aging adults; Home Helpers, an organization that provides in-home care for seniors who need assistance with their daily living activities; and a representative from Lacey Creek, an aging care facility that serves adults of all incomes including Medicaid seniors.

Please join us for this informative session!

Sponsored by Health and Wellness

Room 212
Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 11:30am

Annual Family Christmas Caroling

Save the Date for Christmas Carol Singing!

Join us December 16 for family caroling to our homebound members. We will meet in the church parking lot at 2:30 p.m. We hope you can join us anytime during the trip. For the schedule and to RSVP, please contact Tom and Rosie Roose at 630.204.1565. We hope to have you join our singing merriment!

Parking Lot
Saturday, December 16, 2017 - 2:30pm

Taking Care of Your Loved Ones - Part II

Taking Care of Your Loved Ones - What You Need To Know Before Making a Decision

Four members of our church share their experiences with the aging facilities their loved ones entered. They will help you know what questions to ask about care and the hidden clauses and costs that are found only in the small print of a contract.

  • Sarah DeMink recently explored options for the care of a cousin.
  • Kathleen Schultz’s parents were both in assisted living facilities.
  • Rosie Roose had power of attorney for her friend at Oak Trace who recently died.
  • Kerri Crandell’s father was in memory care for several years before he died.

It is not what we know, but what we don’t know that we need help with in making decisions about our lives and our loved ones' care.
Come and learn from the experts; the people with experience.

Room 216
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 7:00pm

Taking Care of Your Loved Ones

We are an aging population and with age comes the need for new ways of living and new services. Homes become harder to maintain and a change to an easier place to live without the need for constant upkeep is often desired. People’s needs for physical care change and help with meals, cleaning, or bathing might be required. Memory can begin to fail and a safer place may become a necessity. Financial resources can be depleted and Medicaid services might become the only fall back for a family with an aging relative who requires 24 hour care. Many options are offered and it behooves those of us who are aging or have relatives who are aging to learn about the options available to us in this area.

On Tuesday, October 3 a panel of five representatives from five different organizations will share information about their facilities.

Susan Neustrom from Adult Day Care located at Gloria Dei in Downers Grove will share information on their services which are offered Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. for adults who cannot safely be left at home

Mary Ferguson from Aspired in Westmont will explain their independent living, assisted living and memory care options.

Becky Mayer from Lombard Place will help us understand the differences between assisted living, transitional memory care and memory care services.

Penny Barsamti from Heritage Woods will share how their assisted living services can stay in place once a person’s financial resources are depleted.

Alyson Simek will discuss the many options Brookdale offers for senior living care ranging from Independent Living to Skilled Nursing Care, and Home Health Services.

Room 216
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 7:00pm

Fit & Feast

Begins Wednesday, September 27
6:15 p.m.

Start your New Year’s Resolution early. Give yourself the gift of a better life!

Fit and Feast will meet once a month from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. during the Family Fellowship dinner, childcare provided upon request. During that time you will meet with a group leader to choose a goal to commit to for a month in each of four areas; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

For example, you may choose from a list to commit to - exercise 15 minutes a day, look for a silver lining in stressful events, have a weekly chat with a friend, apologize when you wrong someone - simple things that can make a difference over time.

Each month we will discuss how your commitments went and you can choose to renew or change your goals for the next month. Sign-up in the church office and/or look for more information in the parlor and in the bulletin soon.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - 6:15pm

Shifting Sands Small Group

Life changes us over time along with our perspective of ourselves and our relationship with others. In this small group we will explore and discuss how our many-faceted self is changing and how we are meeting the demands of our new realities.

Meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in Westmont from 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. Led by Shelly Zabielski and Carol Lysne.

For more details and/or to register call Sheila in the church office at 630.968.7120.

Monday, September 11, 2017 - 12:45pm


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