
One Great Hour of Sharing

UMCOROnce a year, United Methodists everywhere participate in this special offering to provide administrative support for the United Methodist Committee on Relief as it responds to disaster survivors and people in need in the U. S. and internationally. These foundational gifts help UMCOR keep its promise that 100 percent of every other gift you make to a specific UMCOR project can be spent on that project - not on home office administrative costs. Offering gifts over and above those used to cover administrative costs at UMCOR are channeled where they're most needed, often to support under-funded programs. UMCOR ministries include: responding in places where natural disasters, war, or conflict have done so much damage that communities are unable to recover on their own, fighting hunger, alleviating poverty, providing relief supplies, and offering hospitality to immigrants and refugees.

Offering envelopes for One Great Hour of Sharing will be available in this Sunday's bulletin.

"Imagine No Malaria" Free Throw Contest

Nothing but netsJoin us on Saturday, March 22 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. in the Gym as we raise money and awareness for Imagine No Malaria, an extraordinary effort by The United Methodist Church to end preventable deaths by malaria in Africa, especially the death of a child or a mother. The church is involved in an extraordinary partnership with other international organizations, such as the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to eliminate this disease.

You can pay for the chance to score the most baskets in your age group, or support someone else. This event, which is organized and sponsored by the 5th and 6th graders, is fun for all the family.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 - 1:30pm

2014 Adult Mission Scholarship

Ever think about taking a mission trip somewhere? Giving your time and energy to others in a new and meaningful way?

The Missions Work Area is offering its third annual Adult Mission Scholarship, matching up to $1,000 in mission-related expenses, to a member of our church who wants to embark on a Christian mission trip in the coming year. Guidelines are specified on the application form found below.

Applications are due to jeankrusinski@aol.com by April 1, 2014.

Helping Kids in Our Community

healthy snacksAccording to recent data, nearly nine percent of children in DuPage County are living in poverty. The figures are alarming, but you can help. The Missions Work Area is coordinating with Downers Grove elementary school social workers to support school-age children. Stop by the Purchase with a Purpose table in the Parlor during January to donate money for the purchase of gift cards for social workers to use to obtain healthy snacks and to assist children with specific needs. Every dollar directly benefits children in Downers Grove.

Ignite Bake Sale!

Ignite Youth Group will be putting on a bake sale to support our 30 Hour Famine.

Help us reach our goal of donating $5,000 to help feed starving children!

Sunday, February 9, 2014 - 9:00am

Youth Group Pancake Breakfast

Ignite Youth Group will be having a pancake breakfast on January 26th! 

All proceeds will go towards our summer Mission Trips.

There is no cost, but donations are welcome!

Sunday, January 26, 2014 - 8:30am

Giving Tree Thank You!

Thank you to the entire congregation for your contributions to the Giving Tree this year. We took two carloads of gifts to ChildServ and another two carloads to the People's Resource Center. Your gifts help make Christmas brighter for so many children. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

We will continue to collect clothing items for PADs into the new year. Please bring any donations to the office. Thank you!

DuPage United

DuPage UnitedDuPage United, founded in 2003, is an inclusive, non-profit, non-partisan organization whose members are civil society institutions: churches, mosques, synagogues, non-profit agencies, and associations. They have come together to form public relationships and to act together to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities. DuPage United engages in democratic action in the public arena.

A group of clergy and lay leaders founded the organization in order to build the capacity to sit at the table with decision-makers to change systems and structures that were unjust. DGFUMC is a member of DuPage United.  For more information, please contact Rachel Brooks (703-955-6401).

Sharing Connections

Sharing ConnectionsSharing Connections Furniture Bank provides donated furniture and household items to low-income families, most of whom are coping with crisis like domestic violence, job loss, or financial hardship and include the previously homeless, unemployed and working poor, veterans, victims of domestic violence, immigrants, individuals with mental or physical disabilities, victims of fire, flood and natural disasters, etc. Clients have housing, but are faced with the harsh reality that their “home” is empty or severely under-furnished. The goal of the organization is “tonight, everyone eats at a table and sleeps in a bed.”  The average salary of a client family of four is approximately $12,400 a year. After basic expenses are paid, there’s little if anything left for the common household furnishings most take for granted. 

For more information, call 630-971-0565 or visit the Sharing Connections website.

Literacy DuPage

Literacy DuPageLiteracy DuPage serves over 30 communities in DuPage County by providing accessible and customized tutoring in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English to help adults achieve independence. Trained volunteer tutors provide customized, learner-centered English language instruction in one-on-one or small group settings at a mutually convenient time and location for both tutors and students.  For further information, call 630-416-6699, send an e-mail to info@literacydupage.org or visit the website at www.literacydupage.org.  You can complete the 'Contact Us' form on the website.


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