
World Relief DuPage/Aurora R.I.S.E. Event

You are invited to join us in community on Sunday, August 21, for a morning of sharing and learning about the current refugee crisis, including how it is shaping our community and how local churches and organizations can respond in ministry.

Emily Gray, Executive Director of World Relief DuPage/Aurora, will speak to the congregation during the 10:00 a.m. worship service and will join us for a lunch following the service in Chapel Hall for further conversations. Word Relief is a Christ-centered organization that partners with those in the community to provide services to refugees and immigrants living in DuPage and Kane Counties.

Those attending the luncheon are encouraged to R.S.V.P. to the church office. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided. Attendees are asked to bring a dessert or side dish to share.

To learn more about World Relief DuPage/Aurora, visit worldreliefdupage.org.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 11:00am

Kneel 2 Stand Prayer Breakfast

Today there are nearly 20 million refugees in our world, and another 40 million displaced people. This year the United States has committed to accept 85,000 refugees, some of whom will be in our communities.

World Relief DuPage/Aurora invites you to join in a time of prayer for these new neighbors, and for refugees around the world. There will be a light breakfast and then time to pray about the plight of refugees and their needs as they come to this country to begin life anew among us. To register, click here.

Saturday, June 8
8:30 a.m. - Light Breakfast 
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Time of Prayer
First Presbyterian Church
339 S. 4th Street
Downers Grove, IL

First Presbyterian Church ~ 339 S. 4th Street, Downers Grove
Saturday, June 18, 2016 - 8:30am

Imagine NO Malaria Fundraising Brunch

Join us in the gym for a special brunch in support of Imagine NO Malaria on May 22. Money raised so far through this initiative has helped contribute to a measurable reduction in death and suffering from this disease.

The suggested donation is $10 per adult and $5 per child.

We hope you will stop by to support this worthy effort!

Sunday, May 22, 2016 - 8:30am

It's Time

One of the other major legislative issues at General Conference in May will be the denomination’s stance and statements on homosexuality. Reconciling Ministries Network invites all Reconciling Communities to join together in worship on Sunday, May 1st to declare that “It’s Time” for The United Methodist Church to end its discrimination against LGBTQ persons. Join us in the Parlor on Sunday to sign a poster or have your picture taken with a sign saying “It’s Time” which will be posted to social media. RMN supports The Simple Plan as a proposal coming before the 2016 General Conference to be held in Portland, Oregon. Details may be found here on the RMN website.

A number of congregations in Northern Illinois Conference are hosting the film An Act of Love, a documentary about Rev. Frank Schaefer, who had his ministerial credentials revoked in December, 2013 after officiating his son’s same-sex wedding. On Sunday, May 1st, Community UMC, 20 N. Center St., Naperville, will host a screening from 3:00-5:30pm. Following the screening, there will be talkback led by Love Your Neighbor Coalition members Matt Berryman, RMN Executive Director, and Sue Laurie of Love Prevails.

Run For Their Lives 5k - NORTH

You can help bring awareness to the very real issue of human trafficking that effects all of us. Run For Their Lives 5K Walk/Run (RFTL 5K) is a 5k dedicated to bringing awareness to human trafficking. All net proceeds will be donated to Hope for Justice and Reclaim 13 to support these frontrunners in fighting human trafficking both locally and globally.

DGFUMC is an event sponsor. We are already putting together a team to help support this worthy cause. Kids 12 and under can participate in a free fun run.  

In addition to walkers and runners, we are also looking for volunteers to help staff this event.

All are welcome to help us support this meaningful cause!

To learn more about the event and to register to participate and volunteer, visit rftlchi.com.

Please note that we are participating in the NORTH race, which steps off at St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Downers Grove on August 6, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.

St. Paul's United Church of Christ - 5739 Dunham Rd - Downers Grove
Saturday, August 6, 2016 - 8:00am

Faith, Friendship & Sisterhood: Women's Walk for Peace

It is not too late to join us on a path to create stronger communities, build relationships, and learn more about each other.

We began our commitment to our neighbors when members from Health & Wellness and MJC attended the DuPage United's "We The People" Solidarity Campaign on 2/28/2016. We heard from several speakers including Mr. Hani Atassi from The Mecca Center in Willowbrook and Dr. Larycia Hawkins, formerly of Wheaton College, among others. We listened to stories and conversations, met with our Muslim brothers and sisters and shared conversation at the Shalimar Banquet in Addison.

As a result, we were invited to participate in a "Women Only" gathering at Ahmadiyya Mosque Masjid Baet-ul-Jaamey in Glen Ellyn on 3/12/2016 and several of us attended.

Now, DGFUMC women are invited to a  "Women Only" event on April 10 as a follow up that includes a labyrinth walk and Interfaith Prayer Service, called Faith, Friendship and Sisterhood - Women's Walk for Peace from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. at St. Matthew's UCC in Wheaton. Please see the attached flyer for details.

Additionally, several Open Mosque Days, will occur in the next six weeks to help develop relationships and build small bridges of understanding within our communities. We encourage all DGFUMC members to consider this opportunity. They are listed below:

St. Matthew's UCC in Wheaton
Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 2:30pm

United Church of Rogers Park

United Church of Rogers ParkThe United Church of Rogers Park (UCRP)  has been our Sister Church for several years. Helping with the Summer Camp for neighborhood children has been a week-long mission of the DGFUMC junior high youth for more than 10 years. The Missions, Justice and Community work area has provided financial support to UCRP through the Rainbow Covenant and other financial donations.

One of the benefits of being United Methodist is the way we work together to be in mission all around the world. The first, foundation level of mission outreach is through the “apportionment” giving that is a part of our regular church budget. The second, “extra” level of mission giving is through the “Rainbow Covenant” which allows us as a congregation to select specific ministries and mission projects for our congregation’s support. The Rainbow white band is for a Sister Church of our choosing, which is UCRP.  

In the summer, our youth group went to UCRP to assist with Summer Camp. Adult members of DGFUMC can also be of service to UCRP. Always, our sister church needs financial contributions to help with overdue building repairs and to support its extensive community outreach programs. Watch DGFUMC communications for specific dates and times as opportunities to help at UCRP are announced. Here are some projects our church members have completed in recent years: 

Care Packages for the Homeless

Join us as we make care packages for the homeless on Wednesday, March 23rd, in the gym. Pizza will be served at 6:00 p.m. and bag assembly will begin at 6:30 p.m. All ages welcome! No cost! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to impact the lives of homeless individuals in our community. The bags contain personal hygiene and nonperishable food items. They may be kept in cars and handed to people at intersections.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 6:00pm

Adult Mission Trip to United Church of Rogers Park

Through the Missions, Justice & Community work area, adult volunteers from DGFUMC will be able to provide much needed support to our sister Methodist church, the United Church of Rogers Park, and their community outreach programs during 2016. 

Our first opportunity will be Saturday, April 9, to help build raised garden beds in the expanding on-site Children’s Teaching Garden. Contact Sheila in the church office at 630.968.7120 to sign-up.

Details about timing, tools, transportation, and lunch will be provided prior to the event.

At anytime during the year you can donate to UCRP for:

  • their church building, which is in need of major repairs;
  • the cost of rebuilding the Children’s Teaching Garden; and
  • community outreach programs.

United Church of Rogers Park
1545 West Morse Avenue
Chicago Illinois, 60626

United Church of Rogers Park
Saturday, April 9, 2016 - 9:00am

2016 Adult Mission Scholarship

Interested in giving your time and energy to others in a new meaningful way?

The Missions, Justice & Community work area is offering its fifth annual Adult Mission Scholarship, matching up to $1,000 in mission-related expenses, to a member of our church (age 18+) who wants to embark on a Christian mission trip in the coming year. Guidelines are specified on the application form below. 

Ever think about taking a mission trip somewhere, but don't know how to get started? 

The UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) network offers guidance, organization, and training for more than 125,000 volunteers serving with the poor; building churches; and assisting in disaster response, community health and leadership training each year. To learn more about the many different opportunities available to people of all ages, click here to visit umcmission.org. For additional information, contact our Northern Illinois Conference UMVIM coordinator, Lorna Jost, at umvim-ncj@brookings.net.

Applications are due by April 15, 2016.


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