
Visit to United Church of Rogers Park

Saturday, May 16

Join the Missions, Justice & Community Work Area as we host a visit to our sister church on the northeast side of Chicago – United Church of Rogers Park – on Saturday, May 16. Learn about the church’s outreach to their community of ethnic, economic and religious diversity. Tour their sanctuary and facilities, see garden spaces “loaned” by local residents to benefit neighbors in need. Learn more about the long-standing summer mission of DGFUMC junior high youth at UCRP. Enjoy lunch in a neighborhood restaurant. Experience a Peace Circle, as our host, Rev. Wes Dorr, shows us how they teach young men leaving gangs to become more peaceful. 

Contact Jean Krusinski at 630.910.3153 to learn more and to register. Plan to meet at the DGFUMC parking lot at 8:30 a.m. to car pool. Expect to return to DG mid-afternoon.

Parking Lot
Saturday, May 16, 2015 - 8:30am

2015 Easter Offering - Gifts of Hope and Healing

Dear Church Family,

As we anticipate trees quietly beginning to blossom and flowers stretching towards the emerging sun, we are reminded that Easter will soon be here. On Sunday, April 5, we will worship with full hearts, proclaiming to the world that “Christ is alive!”

Easter is a wondrous celebration of Christ’s Resurrection and the promise of eternal life. And it is a time to remember that Jesus came to heal and provide hope to all. Each year we invite our congregation to help carry out this mission of hope and healing by participating in our Special Easter Offering.

This annual offering helps fund the outreach of our congregation’s Missions, Justice & Community Work Area, which takes seriously its role as stewards of your generosity and compassion.  This year we are asking that you consider enhancing your Easter giving so that, as a church body, DGFUMC can increase its outreach in a more impactful way. The resources gathered on Easter Sunday will make a critical difference in the lives of individuals in DuPage County, as well as in national and international missions programs.

We live out our Easter faith and proclaim the selfless love of God in Christ by using this special offering to support many ministries including (but not limited to) the following:

All Church Discussion - "A Long Walk to Water"

A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park is an inspiring story about the courage of two Sudanese children, Salva and Nya, and their struggles to get one of their most basic needs - water - in a country that has been ravaged by war and beset by drought. In 2008, our church provided funds to build a school in Jombu, South Sudan and we are now in the middle of the Imagine No Malaria campaign. This book continues this connection to Africa and gives us a moving insight into the challenges the Sudanese face every day.

Books speak to all of us in different ways. When we share our thoughts we discover even more about a book.  You are invited to participate in a book discussion about A Long Walk to Water. There are many opportunities, led by different discussion leaders, to talk about this great book. Books will be sold in the parlor on Sunday morning.

Please register for the group you plan to attend by clicking on "Read more" and filling out the form.

Bring your study guides, questions, notes, and insights to one of the following discussion groups: 

 Date - Time - Discussion Leader -  Location
Tuesday, Feb. 10  -  7:00-8:00 PM  -  Jim McDonald  -  Church Parlor
Thursday, Feb. 12  -  10:00-11:00 AM  -  Mary Babler  -  Church Parlor
Thursday, Feb. 12  -  7:00-8:00 PM  -  Sue Thornquist  -  Church Parlor
Saturday, Feb. 14  -  10:00-11:00 AM and 1:00-2:00 PM   -  John Smoke  -  Church Parlor
Sunday, Feb. 15  -  9:30-10:30 AM  -  Ray Krusinski  -  Room 202
Tuesday, Feb. 17  -  1:00-2:00 PM  -  Greta McDonald  -  Church Parlor
Sunday, Mar. 8  -  Youth Group  -  Howie Snyder  -  Open Door

Souper Bowl Sunday

Show support for both your favorite Super Bowl team and the People's Resource Center by donating to our annual Souper Bowl collection following worship service this Sunday morning. We will happily accept coins, paper money or a can of food.

Thank you!

2015 Adult Mission Scholarship

Ever think about taking a mission trip somewhere?  Giving your time and energy to others in a new meaningful way?  The Missions, Justice and Community Work Area is offering its Third Annual Adult Mission Scholarship, matching up to $1,000 in mission-related expenses, to a member of our church who wants to embark on a Christian mission trip in the coming year.  Guidelines are specified on the application form below.  Applications are due to jeankrusinski@aol.com by April 1, 2015.

The Other Guys Concert

The Other Guys

We are pleased to announce that The Other Guys, the premiere vocal octet from the University of Illinois, will perform in our sanctuary at 8pm on Saturday, January 17, 2015. This a cappella group has a tradition of "musicianship, comedic spontaneity, and time-honored dignity." They perform over 100 concerts each year, and have appeared in venues such as the Chicago's United Center, Wrigley Field, New York's Gotham Comedy Club, and even Google headquarters.

Tickets are $10 per person. A portion of the ticket sales will benefit our Imagine No Malaria efforts. You can purchase tickets online here, in the church office or at the door.

Online Purchase

You can purchase tickets online through PayPal using most credit cards. Your ticket(s) will be available for pickup from the church office, in the Parlor on Sunday morning, or at the concert. Please print off the email receipt sent by Paypal and bring it with you.

Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 8:00pm

Thanksgiving Offering

Celebrating Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving!

As we enter this season of harvest and gratitude, we are reminded of the importance and power of giving thanks every day of the year. Christians are called to "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:18), and so experience the gifts of God that we might otherwise overlook. Thankfulness is a choice we can make that opens our lives toward greater contentment and joy, and opens our eyes to see our neighbors with God's love.

One of the ways we as a church show God's love to our neighbors is through our Thanksgiving offering. The Thanksgiving offering goes specifically to ministries of local outreach and social justice through our congregation's Church and Society work area. This offering is the sole source of funding that the Church and Society work area receives. Through your special gift, our church is able to reach out to lives, speak out about needs and work to bring improved circumstances to others through the organizations that they support (see the list below).

If you haven't received a Thanksgiving offering envelope, they will be available at all the Thanksgiving Sunday services at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. on November 23.

May your Thanksgiving be blessed with God's abundant love.

Thankful together,
Pastors Jim and Greta McDonald
Church and Society Work Area

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree for PADS is still up in the Parlor. We will continue to collect gifts for PADS throughout December.  

Thank you for your participation!

Alternative Gift Fair

What do you buy the person who has everything? How about a goat, a colony of honeybees, or a beautiful handmade craft?

The Advent season is filled with many warm traditions, and one of those traditions at Downers Grove First United Methodist Church is the Alternative Gift Fair. Many of you are familiar with the beautiful crafts handmade by the artisans of the UPAVIM (United for a Better Life) cooperative in Guatemala. These are gifts that give twice - first, your family and friends will enjoy receiving these lovely items.  Second, you will also be empowering the women of La Esperanza in Guatemala City by giving them an opportunity to improve the quality of life for themselves and for their families through access to education, employment opportunities, daycare services for their children, health care services, and programs for personal and professional development.  Choose from a large selection of colorful bags, scarves, Christmas ornaments, kitchen accessories, jewelry, and more.

Through Heifer International, you can also purchase livestock to help families around the world receive training and animal gifts that help them become self-reliant. You’ll receive a special greeting card to share with the person(s) whom you honor through this donation.

Best of all, you’ll be able to check off a few more names on your holiday gift-giving list while making a difference in our world. What a perfect way to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

Please come visit us in the parlor after each service during the Advent season.

Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 9:00am

Imagine No Malaria - Second Sunday Collection

Imagine No MalariaLast month we had a special Imagine No Malaria collection on the second Sunday. Students in the 9:30 Sunday School poured their IMN cans' coins into the giant jar during the opening time in the Chapel, and families at the 11:00 Messy Church did the same in the gym.

This Sunday is the second Sunday in October so once again we are invited to bring our INM cans to church and combine our offerings to stop the spread of this disease. Adults will be able to add their INM collection to a container in the narthex.

Global Ministries workers in Africa have shared that the improvements made in health facilities and community care through the INM donations so far have equipped them to also reach out more effectively to those who are in areas affected by Ebola.


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