
All Church Mission Trip Informational Luncheon

Learn about an exciting new opportunity to put our faith into action and get to know one another by attending an informational lunch meeting at noon on Sunday, February 26 in Fellowship Hall, sponsored by the Mission, Justices and Community Work Area, 

An All Church Mission Trip to Cass Community Social Services in Detroit will take place July 15-22.  Started as an outreach ministry of Case Community United Methodist Church in Detroit, CCSS works across the city in areas of concentrated poverty providing programs for food, health, housing and jobs.

Come to the meeting to find out about the exciting work and ministries we will be doing side-by-side with other families and members of DGFUMC.

• We may help pick up and clean discarded tires that will be made into sandals and mud mats.
• We may help build tiny houses.
• We may pick vegetables and prepare meals.
• We may paint, landscaping or even some demolition.
• We may help with a children’s program or assist at a center for developmentally disabled adults. 

This mission trip is open to anyone 13 years or older.

To learn more about Cass Community Social Service, click here.

Please RSVP to Don Dunham by February 23 at don@dgfumc.org or 630.968.7120 ext 210.

Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 26, 2017 - 12:15pm

Senior High Mission Trip

Our Senior High group is going on it's annual Mission Trip. This year we are going to Charlotte, NY, through Group Workcamps.

Open Door, Charlotte, NY
Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 12:00pm

DuPage United Rapid Response Team Meeting

Worried about the future? So are our neighbors. Now is your time to engage. Come, listen, learn and be a part of the solution. 

The goal of the meeting is to launch a strategy on how to act ahead of and in response to incidents of violence or harm against local Muslim, Latino, African-American, and other minority communities.

Please click here to RSVP or email with your name, institution, city, phone number and email address to admin@dupageunited.org.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - 7:00pm

World Relief Refugee Resettlement Good Neighbor Kit

Please remember that supplies for the Welcome Kits are due by this Sunday, February 12. You can drop your items off in the church office during between 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. weekdays or bring them to the parlor on Sunday morning. Thank you to all that participated in this project!


World Relief is an organization that partners with local churches to transform communities economically, socially and spiritually, so that the lives of the vulnerable can thrive and grow. As part of their Refugee Resettlement program, World Relief works in partnership with the U.S. Department of State and local church partners to welcome and resettle thousands of refugees referred by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to the United States each year. This year, World Relief Chicago will resettle hundreds of refugees to our area.

Refugees often flee their homes at a moment’s notice. They arrive at a U.S. airport with few belongings, a difficult past and high hopes for the future. An important first step in making them feel welcome is to provide each family with a Welcome Kit. These kits include kitchen supplies, bedding, hygiene and other household items. As we launch our partnership with World Relief to help resettle refugees in our community, DGFUMC has committed to supplying items to complete two Welcome Kits.

DGFUMC Global Ministries Potluck

Join us for lunch on Sunday, January 15 following the 11:00 a.m. worship service to explore the impact of DGFUMC global ministries. We will bring the pasta, you bring the potluck!

First, come see and hear first-hand about Claire Pitstick's summer adventure in Guatemala as she immersed herself in the UPAVIM clinic. UPAVIM is a cooperative association of women from marginalized areas around Guatemala City with which we have had a supportive relationship with for ten years. Understand more about what our Sister Parish relationship and commitment is all about, hear about the impact of this ministry from past participants and discover what opportunities exist to take part in this multi-cultural ministry.

We will also be joined by Maggie Roth and Angela Loveless as they discuss the next steps in our partnership with World Relief, an organization that partners with local churches to transform communities economically, socially and spiritually, so that the lives of the vulnerable can thrive and grow. Learn what part DGFUMC is taking and how you can help! 

RSVP to Sheila in the church office at sheila@dgfumc.org or 630.968.7120 by Friday, January 13.

Fellowship Hall
Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 12:15pm

DuPage United Solidarity Event

Looking for a non-traditional way to spend New Year’s Day? How about joining in an Interfaith Solidarity Event at the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park to forge ties to build bridges in our community. Visit the DuPage United website for more details.

Carpools arranged from DGFUMC. Contact Sheila in the church office at 630.968.7120 if you are interested in attending, want a ride or are willing to drive.

Islamic Foundation, Villa Park 300 W. Highridge Rd
Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 2:00pm

Family Christmas Caroling

Save the Date for Christmas Carol Singing!

Join us December 17 for family caroling to our homebound members. We will meet in the church parking lot at 2:30 p.m.  We hope you can join us anytime during the trip. For the schedule and to RSVP, please contact Tom and Rosie Roose at 630.204.1565. We hope to have you join our singing merriment!

Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 2:30pm

Write for Rights Day

Join us as we make a difference for International Human Rights Day as part of Amnesty International's Write for Rights Campaign on Sunday, December 11. Every year, to mark Human Rights Day, hundreds of thousands of people around the world write letters and sign online petitions to help people they've never met.

You can help change the lives of this year’s 12 cases, including prisoner of conscience and human rights defender Ilham Tohti in China, a professor serving life in jail for fighting discrimination; prisoner of conscience, Shawkan, in Egypt, a photojournalist jailed for doing his job; and Annie Alfred, a child with albinism hunted for her body parts and other people with albinism in Malawi. When combined with millions of others, your letters help convince government officials to free prisoners of conscience, support human rights defenders, and end other urgent cases of abuse. Together, we can change lives and change our world.

Come hear about the interesting cases, chat with others, or contemplate these cases over a warm drink, and write one or more letters for those who are in need of justice and compassion. You can learn about the cases and sign-up online at write.amnestyusa.org.

Can one person make a difference? Yes! Be a light of hope in a world of darkness. Invite your friends and neighbors as this is an Interfaith community event.

Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 10:00am

DuPage United Assembly

Help DGFUMC bring about a more "United" DuPage by being one of our delegates at the November 17 DuPage United assembly. We are looking for 30 individuals to represent our membership at this event that will feature updates on many of the on-going projects currently underway to improve the well-being of the inhabitants of DuPage County. RSVP to Sheila at sheila@dgfumc.org or 630.968.7120. For more information regarding DuPage United and the assembly, contact Pastor Greta or Carol Lysne or visit dupageunited.org.

Islamic Center of Naperville
Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 7:00pm

United Methodist Committee on Relief Responds to Hurricane Matthew

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is currently engaged in Hurricane Matthew relief efforts in Haiti, the Bahamas, and the southeastern United States. To learn more about how you can help, click here.


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