Adult Education

Wednesday Adult Education Book Study

This fall we will be studying Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Basic Questions in Theology - Collected Essays, Volume 1.
This book of essays is from one of the foremost theologians of our day and offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg is Professor Emeritus of Theology at the University of Munich and author of several influential books.

We will only bite off a small section of this book each week, so that the readings will not be a hardship for anyone. Get ready for some interesting discussions around the exciting ideas presented in this book.

Books will be available for sale during class and in the church office for $25.

Room 213
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - 11:00am

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Please join our Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study at First United Methodist Church as we begin our fall class on Wednesday, August 30. We will be using a guide by N.T. Wright to take a deeper look at the book of John. All women are encouraged to attend this dynamic group. Nothing required… just show up and have an open heart.

The class meets at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday in room 213. Drop-ins are welcome. Childcare is provided.

Books will be available at the first meeting or in the church office for a suggested donation of $6.

Group is led by Pastor Greta McDonald, Maggie Roth, and Leah Ostwald. Questions? email

Room 213
Wednesday, August 30, 2017 - 9:00am

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Join us on Wednesday, August 23 at our Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study as we welcome Jayne Gongol. Jayne has served as the Family Literacy Coordinator for San Diego's St Vincent de Paul Villages, also known as Father Joe's Villages, for 20 years. San Diego is home to the 4th largest homelessness population in the U.S. Father Joe's Villages provide a continuum of care to 1,800 individuals every day including 780 children and over 200 military vets. Father Joes offers a on-stop-shop approach by offering housing assistance, healthcare, food, clothing, education, job training, mental health, addiction treatment, and child development services. Jayne will share what she has learned about homelessness and answer any questions you have. She is the daughter of Carol Lysne.

Room 213
Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - 9:00am

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Please join the Women’s Bible Study group on Wednesday mornings this summer as we read and discuss Jen Hatmaker’s Interrupted - When Jesus Wrecks Your Comfortable Christianity. This book follows the author’s messy journey through life and church and into living on mission.

Come for one, all or some of the sessions. Childcare is provided in the nursery.

Books will be available for sale at class.

Room 213
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - 9:00am

Women's Lenten Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study will start a new study for Lent entitled, RESTORED: Finding Redemption in our Mess by Tom Berlin. In this book, Berlin talks about the "mess" in our lives that hides our image of God and then guides readers through the process of identifying their mess, accepting responsibility for it and transforming their relationships with God and reflecting his image.

Books are available in the church office or can be picked up during class. The suggested donation for this book is $16. A reading schedule is provided below. Drop-ins are welcome. All women in the church are invited to attend!

The group meets starting at 9:00 a.m. in room 213. 

Reading Schedule:
March 8 - Chapter 1 - This Is a Real Mess
March 15 - Chapter 2 - Who Left This Mess?
March 22 - Chapter 3 - Bless This Mess
March 29 - Chapter - No Messing Around
April 5 - Chapter 5 - Address This Mess
April 12 -Chapter 6 - The Message in the Mess

Room 213
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 9:00am

Lenten Bible Study

This Lenten season Pastor Jim will lead a discussion on Adam Hamilton's Final Words From the Cross, which examines Christ's last words in his final hours as observed from those who stood near the cross. These fictional accounts will help participants better understand what happened in Christ's last moments.

Books will be available for sale during class for $11.

The study will be held on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. starting the week of March 6 and running for six weeks.

Room 213
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 11:00am

Adult Bible Study - Revelation

Please note - This class will not meet on Sundays March 5 & 12. Class will resume on Sunday, March 19.

Join Rev. Dr. Osvaldo Vena as he leads this study of the Book of Revelation. Rev. Vena is a professor of New Testament Interpretation a Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston. Drop-ins are welcome!

Room 213
Sunday, February 5, 2017 - 9:15am

Adult Book Study - An Introduction to Christian Ethics

This New Year, we continue with our study of Robin Lovin's An Introduction to Christian Ethics: Goals, Duties, and Virtues. Topics include: The Origin of Ethics; Goods, Goals, and God; and Virtue and Responsibility among others.

This study is offered Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

Room 213
Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 6:30pm

Financial Peace University Classes

Financial Peace University is a program where Dave Ramsey and his teaching team, via DVD, walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future and much more. This class will be a great way to share ideas, be encouraged, and stay motivated to find financial peace.

The class meets on Saturdays for nine weeks from January 21 through March 18 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in Room 218.

Please contact John Smoke at if you would like to register for the class or to learn more.

Childcare will be available upon request.

To learn more about the Financial Peace University program, click here.

Room 218
Saturday, January 21, 2017 - 10:00am

Financial Peace Informational Meeting

On January 7, John Smoke will lead an informational session about the Financial Peace University program. This is a program where Dave Ramsey and his teaching team, via DVD, walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future and much more. This class will be a great way to share ideas, be encouraged, and stay motivated to find financial peace.

The regular classes will meet on Saturdays for nine weeks from January 21 through March 18 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. in Room 218.

Please contact John Smoke at if you would like to register for the class or come to the information meeting to learn more. Childcare will be available upon request.

To learn more about the Financial Peace University program, click here.

Room 218
Saturday, January 7, 2017 - 10:00am


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