Adult Education

Lenten Devotional Discussion

As we start the Lenten season, the Adult Education Work Area invites all to join them for four weekly small-group discussions. The group will meet on Thursdays, March 2, 9, 16, and 23 from 6:30 to 7:20 p.m.

They will discuss the book, Journey to Transformation: 2022 Lenten Study with Bishop Sharma Lewis. Sharing her individual journey, Bishop Sharma Lewis of the Virginia Conference invites readers to observe Lent through introspection, repentance, forgiveness, renewal, prayer, fasting, and biblical study. Since Lent is a time for self-examination and renewal, Bishop Lewis offers a “my action” section each day to allow readers to continue to put into practice what they have read and reflected upon, and as an opportunity to transform someone’s life. Please purchase the book before the first meeting on March 2.

Disciple Fast Track: Becoming Disciples through Old Testament Study

Disciple Fast Track Bible Study immerses participants in a complete overview of the Bible covering both Old and New Testaments from September to March. Pastor Claude will offer Disciple Fast Track 1 study this fall beginning Wednesday, September 14 through December 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 213.

Disciple Fast Track provides a viable option for busy people seeking comprehensive study over time with the entire biblical text. Fast Track groups meet for a total of 24 weeks, devoting 12 weeks each to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Participants read a manageable 3–5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for the weekly meetings, which last approximately 90 minutes.

You will read chapters from the Bible and sections in the manual each week, then come together as a group with Pastor Claude to view a short review video and go over prepared questions to discuss. Participants have the opportunity to take a spiritual gifts assessment and determine meaningful ways they can serve and live out their discipleship commitment.

To sign up, please email Pastor Claude.

Order the Study Manuals

Each participant will buy both study manuals and plan to be part of both modules for the complete 24-week study. Books are available at the links below. Place close attention to the versions of the books listed below, as there are several options – the links provided are the versions that will be used for this group.

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Join the Women's Bible Study on Wednesday mornings as the group reads a variety of spiritual books. They meet at 9:00 a.m. and you can join them in person in Room 213 or on Zoom.

Can't make it every week? Drop-ins are welcome. All women are encouraged to attend this dynamic group. Nothing required… just show up and have an open heart. All are welcome to join the group! Send questions or concerns to Maggie Roth at


Room 213 and Online
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 9:00am

Navigating Health Care Presentation

Navigating health care can be incredibly complicated! Join us on Sunday, February 13 at 11:15 am in the church parlor for some tips and tricks on how to make informed health care decisions and what questions to ask. Retired nurse, Linda Main, will offer a short presentation and share some helpful checklists from The Care Partner Project that can assist you when navigating surgery decisions and hospital stays for you or for your loved ones.

These checklists will help you know what to watch for, do, and say to healthcare providers. Linda, a former ICU nurse, will share why we need to know how to be an advocate for ourselves and our loved ones when we or they are seeking medical care and will go over some examples from the checklists. A sample set of checklists will be given out at the presentation. No registration is required.


Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:15am

Navigating Health Care Presentation

Navigating health care can be incredibly complicated! Join us on Sunday, February 13 at 11:15 am in the church parlor for some tips and tricks on how to make informed health care decisions and what questions to ask. Retired nurse, Linda Main, will offer a short presentation and share some helpful checklists from The Care Partner Project that can assist you when navigating surgery decisions and hospital stays for you or for your loved ones.

These checklists will help you know what to watch for, do, and say to healthcare providers. Linda, a former ICU nurse, will share why we need to know how to be an advocate for ourselves and our loved ones when we or they are seeking medical care and will go over some examples from the checklists. A sample set of checklists will be given out at the presentation. No registration is required. 

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study

Please join our Women's Bible Study as we meet each Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. We are currently meeting online using Zoom. Our link is: 

The group meets from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. every Wednesday online and is facilitated by Pastor Andi, Maggie Roth, and Leah Ostwald. Can't make it every week? Drop-ins are welcome. All women are encouraged to attend this dynamic group. Nothing required… just show up and have an open heart. Questions? email

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 9:00am

Adult Confirmation 2.0 on Zoom: Sermon Snippets

Adult Confirmation 2.0 is a series of classes that offers basics on everything Methodism from theology to polity to history. Pastor Andi will cover a different topic each month. Whether you've been to the other classes or none, you are welcome to join us for any sessions you are able to attend.

We meet monthly at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays. Join us!


Sermon Snippets - Saturday, March 20; 10:00 a.m.

Ever wondered what a sermon from John Wesley sounded like? In this session, we'll take a look at a few of his sermons and explore his style, methods, and what topics were most important to him. Then, we'll consider how that translates into modern Methodism.

We'll meet on Zoom using this link and use the same Zoom link each time. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 10:00am

Adult Confirmation 2.0 on Zoom: Wesleyan Covenant Service

Adult Confirmation 2.0 is a series of classes that offers basics on everything Methodism from theology to polity to history. Pastor Andi will cover a different topic each month. Whether you've been to the other classes or none, you are welcome to join us for any sessions you are able to attend.

We meet monthly at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays. Join us!

This month, in honor of the new year, a time when many people seek to make changes in their life and focus on what's important to them, we'll learn about the Wesleyan Covenant Service and then take part in one, together recommitting to our faith for the coming year.

We'll meet on Zoom using this link and use the same Zoom link each time. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021 - 10:00am

Adult Confirmation 2.0 on Zoom: Orders, Ordination, and Appointments

Adult Confirmation 2.0 is a series of classes that offers basics on everything Methodism from theology to polity to history. Pastor Andi will cover a different topic each month. Whether you've been to the other classes or none, you are welcome to join us for any sessions you are able to attend.

We meet monthly at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays. Join us!

Orders, Ordination, and Appointments - Saturday, January 9
Deacon, elder, local licensed pastor, lay minister - what do all these words mean? In the United Methodist Church, we have a variety of ways that people may answer a call to ministry, whether that be as laity or clergy. Join us as we talk about the different orders and titles, the ordination process, and how clergy are appointed to congregations and communities!

We'll meet on Zoom using this link and use the same Zoom link each time. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021 - 10:00am

Adult Confirmation 2.0 on Zoom: Apportionments and Advocacy

Adult Confirmation 2.0 offers refresher courses on everything Methodism from theology to polity to history. Pastor Andi will cover a different topic each week. You are welcome to join us for any or all of the sessions you are able to attend. We meet once a month. 

Apportionments and Advocacy - We are wrapping up our pledge campaign as we prepare a budget for 2021. One part of our budget is our apportionments, a fraction of money that we offer to our denomination. Where does this money go? What does it do? Join us to find out!

We'll meet on Zoom using this link and use the same Zoom link each time. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020 - 10:00am


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